Coffee or tea?

Mr Dixon
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Coffee or tea?
post #1

I like both honestly but I drink more tea that coffee anymore because I was having some wicked crashes drinking coffee daily. Anyways, which do you prefer to drink?

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Re: Coffee or tea?
post #2

I'm a coffee guy myself. I will drink cold tea in the summer, you know, the high sugar stuff haha but that is about it. I have 2 cups of coffee a day. I never have the crashing though

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Re: Coffee or tea?
post #3

I don't drink coffee. I can't stomach the taste though I do enjoy the smell, which is strange haha I will drink tea here and there but for the most part I like water and juices.

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Re: Coffee or tea?
post #4

I generally stay away from juices because of the sugars. I own a Fruit Ninja and will only drink Juices if they are organic.

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Re: Coffee or tea?
post #5

> TheGreatest wrote: > I generally stay away from juices because of the sugars. I own a Fruit Ninja and will only drink Juices if they are organic.


I have some kind of ninja something or other, I haven't used it yet. I bought it with the intention of eating better and here I sit with a cup of instand coffee... *sigh*

Jelly Kelly
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Re: Coffee or tea?
post #6

I love green tea. I get one from Starbucks on an almost daily basis haha I know that sounds weird cause most people associate Starbucks with coffee.