Couple at my gym

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Couple at my gym
post #1

I don't go as often as I used to but me and a buddy popped in yesterday for a mild work out and this man and woman were there together. I believe they were dating or married. The woman was a good 3 or 4 inches taller than him. They didn't seem to do or act any differently of it was the other way around. It was nice to see this. 

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Re: Couple at my gym
post #2

There are more taller girl/short guy couples than you think. I'm in NYC and while it isn't something I see every day, I see it often enough to realize that it isn't impossible and that it isn't as uncommon as people would have you think. 

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Re: Couple at my gym
post #3

I don't go to gyms really. Been to a few with some friends but most "couples" I see in there are either out of shaping trying to lose weight or gym rat couples. Either way, the men are always taller and bigger. haha

Dark Willow
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Re: Couple at my gym
post #4

I never see this in my area, not that I go to gyms specifically to see it there. But yeah, I either see tall guys with short gals, short guys with short gals, or same height couples.

Jelly Kelly
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Re: Couple at my gym
post #5

I have seen couples like this all over but it isn't common. Most of them time they are almost the same height, the woman is just slightly taller.

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Re: Couple at my gym
post #6


Originally posted by Jelly Kelly

I have seen couples like this all over but it isn't common. Most of them time they are almost the same height, the woman is just slightly taller.

 Same for me. They are usually close in height, like tall women are with taller guys but they come to about the same height.

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Re: Couple at my gym
post #7

Not a big gym goer but when I do go (only because it is free and my friends enjoy it) I do see this. There is a couple in their 40's that goes all the time. He has to be around my height and she is 5'9. So only a few inches taller.