Anyone ever shop outside the US?

Mr Dixon
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Anyone ever shop outside the US?
post #1

Someone on another forum I am on, not related to height but gaming (yes I am a lazy gamer lol) said that US sizes are made for taller, larger men and shopping in places where men are shorter and less fat/muscular is a great way to find good fitting clothes. Anyone ever shop outsde the US?

Dark Willow
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Re: Anyone ever shop outside the US?
post #2

I never have personally but I can see why some men do. Specially China clothing. Is it made shorter and tighter, more for men under 5'8.

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Re: Anyone ever shop outside the US?
post #3

I have gotten things off of Ebay from China and Germany. Just special made clothing that was cheaper and better made to me. Takes a LONG time to get the the states though.

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Re: Anyone ever shop outside the US?
post #4

I never have but my friend (who is a female) shops on Amazon all the time and gets items from China. She said it takes 2 to 4 weeks to get it but she loves the style and because she is small all over, she is built more like their women.

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Re: Anyone ever shop outside the US?
post #5


Originally posted by GoKnicks

I have gotten things off of Ebay from China and Germany. Just special made clothing that was cheaper and better made to me. Takes a LONG time to get the the states though.


I ordered this sweet looking dress shirt on Amazon and didn't realize it was shipping from China till I already placed the order and it shipped. LOL Needless to say, I had to buy another shirt for the occassion. I ordered it in March last year and got it in May. I honestly forgot about it.

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Re: Anyone ever shop outside the US?
post #6


Originally posted by GoKnicks

I have gotten things off of Ebay from China and Germany. Just special made clothing that was cheaper and better made to me. Takes a LONG time to get the the states though.

 China takes 3 weeks usually for me. It sucks but the shipping is dirt cheap to free and the clothing they make is decent qaulty normally for under $10. 

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Re: Anyone ever shop outside the US?
post #7

I love getting items from all over the world! The only problem is the weighting. 

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Re: Anyone ever shop outside the US?
post #8

I just ordered something on Amazon by mistake. I got these trunks that were only $11 and they are made for shorter man (so it says) but I wasn't paying attention and I looked after I checked out and they wont be here till the end of June, begining of July. LOL Coming in from China.