Just food for thought...

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Just food for thought...
post #1

The best thing to be in America right now is a black lesbian woman.

The worst thing to be in America right now is a short white gay man.

Go figure. Think it over. It is the truth.

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Re: Just food for thought...
post #2

I get what you are saying... Like with all the race stuff happening and sexisim, being a black woman has a leg up because not many people will call them for bs. If she was a lesbian, calling her on bs would be even worse in the eyes of the public because the gay comunity is fighting for rights. 


On the other hand, you say gay short white men have it the worst... I think straight short white men do. Gay men at least have people supporting them. Straight white guys, no luck. Specially if you are short.

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Re: Just food for thought...
post #3

I agree with Mouse but also, I would liek to add that having money (no matter your sex or color) is the best thing to be in America. lol

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Re: Just food for thought...
post #4

Now I don't know about this. I don't care what color or sex you are, green is what makes the difference. A huge % of blacks are living in poverty which is where this logic comes from. 

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Re: Just food for thought...
post #5

I had to laugh at this post. I am sorry but this sounds like something a sexist/racist would say. lol

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Re: Just food for thought...
post #6

Uhhh I think the worst thing to be in America is broke/poor/homeless. lol

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Re: Just food for thought...
post #7

I was a bit drunk when I posted this lol I gues what you all are saying. I was just pissed off at the time because of all the gay acceptance and someone made a short comment at me, all the blacks are getting away with crap because of the cops... I was venting in a weird way. lol

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Re: Just food for thought...
post #8

LOL drunk rants are always the best! It is all good. I have said things that made no sense before on forums, at least your point was some what valid.