Anyone watch wrestling?

Mr Dixon
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Anyone watch wrestling?
post #1

I was a fan for many years and I always liked Rey Mysterio. I actually met him a few days ago and he is only 5'2. He is billed at 5'6 I believe. I have a lot more respect for the man now.

Jelly Kelly
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Re: Anyone watch wrestling?
post #2

My boyfriend does. I can't recall who this is, he doesn't wrestle any more does he?

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Re: Anyone watch wrestling?
post #3


Originally posted by Jelly Kelly

My boyfriend does. I can't recall who this is, he doesn't wrestle any more does he?

I actually know this one! LOL I believe he retired last year because he killed someone by mistake while wrestling. He looks like this :

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Re: Anyone watch wrestling?
post #4

This dude was awesome in his prime. I can hands down say he was one of the best in a place where taller men are considered "better". He is on my top 5 list for wrestlers.