Anyone else feel like 5 pounds gained looks like 30?

Short Squire
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Anyone else feel like 5 pounds gained looks like 30?
post #1

I recently packed on 7 pounds which sounds like nothing but I swear none of my jeans fit good anymore. It is pissing me off. I mean if this is what a lot of women go through with jeans, I can understand why yoga pants are so popular now. I might get some! Screw this! 

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Re: Anyone else feel like 5 pounds gained looks like 30?
post #2

I get that too. I mean it sucks but on the flip side, it is easier for me to pack on muscle. I mean less muscle looks a lot more ripped and big on me then my taller friends.

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Re: Anyone else feel like 5 pounds gained looks like 30?
post #3

I get like that. I mean I can not go to the bathroom for a day and feel like I am pregnant LOL I know the stuggle and any woman under 5'6, I feel your pain.

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Re: Anyone else feel like 5 pounds gained looks like 30?
post #4

You are not alone. My weight goes up and down all the time and when it goes up, nothing fits the same, even when I only gain 10 pounds. 



Short Squire
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Re: Anyone else feel like 5 pounds gained looks like 30?
post #5


Originally posted by ShortNProud

You are not alone. My weight goes up and down all the time and when it goes up, nothing fits the same, even when I only gain 10 pounds. 



Sorry about dealing with this too but I am glad I am not alone. I thought this may have all been in my head!