Apt 9

Short Squire
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Apt 9
post #1

I have been looking into this brand lately. A friend gave me some old clothes and quite a few shirts were this brand and they fit amazingly well on me and I am only 5'4. Nothing is super long and it feels well fitted to my size. Check them out guys. 

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Re: Apt 9
post #2

I think I have a few things in this brand and they do fit nicely. I mean most of their clothing isn't my style but I do like the few things I have. I think my ex got them for me.

Short Squire
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Re: Apt 9
post #3

Is this a brand that is found as a certain store? I never heard of it myself. I am not a huge shopper though. I tend to just let people get me new clothing as gifts. haha