Is feminism making heightism worse?

Dark Willow
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Is feminism making heightism worse?
post #1

Me and a few friends were talking about this and I know the height crap has been around for sometime but it seems to have gotten a lot worse since the big feminism movement. Maybe it is just be but I feel like these types of women are so power hungry that they view men as objects and most want one that not only good looking and tall, but makes good money. They claim to be about empowering women but they preach on other women being free and careless with their bodies, "having sex like men" as they say, and being in power in every relationship they are in. 

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Re: Is feminism making heightism worse?
post #2

I would not say it is as much to blame as you think but it sure has made dating in general hard for men of all heights. Women shouldn't be acting touch and hard shelled like men. It isn't attractive. 

Jelly Kelly
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Re: Is feminism making heightism worse?
post #3


Originally posted by Jinx

I would not say it is as much to blame as you think but it sure has made dating in general hard for men of all heights. Women shouldn't be acting touch and hard shelled like men. It isn't attractive. 

tough? lol yeah I agree. I had a friend growing up who was like a tom boy and had to always act like she had a chip on her shoulder and be all tough in front of the guys. The last time I spoke to her she was threatening me, like she was going to beat me up over a comment I made about one of her male friends. Seems like the tough chicks always have the most guy friends because they don't want to date them out of fear lol

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Re: Is feminism making heightism worse?
post #4

To me, women who are for empowering other women is great. Go get that job, play that sport, ect ect but when it comes to raising a child, being a wife/girlfriend, you can't wear the pants with that stuff. That is where is bothers me. I think these women get so rapped up in each other, they are pretty much lesbians who like to look at men. 

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Re: Is feminism making heightism worse?
post #5

No matter which way you spin it, women who act like men and men who act like women... It ain't normal or right. I am not saying this to offend homosexuals either, this is as far as straight people go.