My bf troubles

Short Dame
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My bf troubles
post #1

I am not sure if this one will go over well but I needed to vent...

So as I have said on here before, my boyfriend is short, like me. He has self esteem issues and struggles to cope with his height even though he has me, his family, and his amazing friends who support him in all he does. We went to the mall yesterday and this guy approached me. He had to be around 6 ft tall. He was asking for help with a gift for his sister. My bf was across the store when he noticed this happening. He walked over and said hi to the guy, he said hi back and told him he was asking for help from me for a gift for his sister. Blah blah conversation ends and my bf suddenly isn't feeling good so we buy our things and leave the mall. On the ride home he didn't look at me and barely talked. Soon as we got home, I asked him the dreaded "whats wrong?" question and he flipped out on me over the tall guy in the mall. Saying things like I would rather date a taller man, the way i was smiling at him, i thought he was attractive, ect ect. Is this a trust issue or a height issue?? I hate when he gets like this. I was so pissed at him for assuming this crap last night that I left. I texted him when I woke up (we live in different spaces but sleep over each other's places) and he hasnt answered me yet.

Short Squire
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Re: My bf troubles
post #2

It sounds like a mix of both. He is worried about his height and he doesn't trust you enough to know you wont leave him for a taller man. Maybe try reassuring him that you only have eyes for him ?? frown

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Re: My bf troubles
post #3

Have you ever given him a reason to not feel okay about his height? even jokingly? I am not sure which it is to be honest but he must be pissed to not be answering. 

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Re: My bf troubles
post #4

Tell the dude to man up or not be in a relationship at all. If I pulled this crap over with my wife, you think she would have married me?

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Re: My bf troubles
post #5


Originally posted by Larry

Tell the dude to man up or not be in a relationship at all. If I pulled this crap over with my wife, you think she would have married me?

For sure! Who would marry someone who pulls this self pity crap all the time? No one wants to be with that for life. I dated a woman who did this with her weight. I loved her but after 2 years of it, I had to end things.