Do you think Feminists truly care about erasing gender norms
This is a multiple choice poll.
Poll Expired: 01-Jan-2016
0% of voters (0 Votes)
20% of voters (1 Votes)
Yes, but only when it favors them
80% of voters (4 Votes)
5 Total votes

The feminist hypocrisy

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The feminist hypocrisy
post #1

They will talk all day about women and men are equal, but then will turn around and say how they "prefer" (require) that their men be tall, make as much or more money and be physically stronger (than them and other men). After reading that Jezebel article, I made this meme, because it is accurate. 

Feminists hate short men too

While we're at it, let's do a poll. Do you think Feminists truly care about erasing gender norms?

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Re: The feminist hypocrisy
post #2

All they doe is nag and complain about equal rights. They basically want to get rid of gender completely so they wont be judged for acting like men who only want rich tall men. Feminists are like gay men... minus the penis.

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Re: The feminist hypocrisy
post #3

To me, they don't care at all. They just want the world to pity them. They act like a stay at home mom is a death sentence. It is sick. This group bashed my sister for being a stay at home mom. She wants to be the one caring for her son and watching him grow up... Not spending hours in an office while her son sits in day care and grows up with problems because his mother and father were to busy to raise him because of work.

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Re: The feminist hypocrisy
post #4

Short Dame
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Re: The feminist hypocrisy
post #5


Originally posted by Larry

Could have just used Ken. I mean Barbie's height is 5'11 and Ken is 6' in scale. Like only thin tall men and women are attractive people can be attractive. 

Last Edited By SharkApple (2015-09-26 19:59:13)

Mr Dixon
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Re: The feminist hypocrisy
post #6

Women like this are going to complain and nag for the rest of their lives. I am sick of this movement and I just wish real women would take a stand.