The Sad Truth.

Short Squire
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The Sad Truth.
post #1

You know what's funny about knowing what a girl REALLY wants.  You'll see posts/pictures/quotes etc. stating the guy has to have:

A. A sense of humor.

B. Take care of himself, along with his girl. 

And... you guessed it, C FOR CONFIDENCE!!! YAY. 

C. Confidence.


But you know what guys?  It's all bullshit.

Girls want height.  That's all they want, that's all they really care about.

Lets be real here guys, you see that cute girl, absolutely adorable, dating a 5'10+ *bleep*-up who has no sustainability and disrespects his girl. 

A dude can have all the 'caring' and 'stability' traits as well as having high aspirations, yet if he has no height, then it's still a 'no' for the girl.

I'm sorry guys.  I know I'm making generalization here, but this applies to 95% to girls and to short men.

That's it, I'm done with girls.  And no, I'm not 'turning' gay. 



Short Squire
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Re: The Sad Truth.
post #2

In addition to this, I'd like to add myself as an attestation.

Frankly, I'm actually confident, I crack jokes, have a decent sense of humor, I like having fun with my dude friends. etc.

Yet, even with confidence, I'm still only a friend to the girl, and remain to be one.