Short Men and 'Social Justice'

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Short Men and 'Social Justice'
post #1

Greetings everyone,


Because we are in a time with 'social justice', where people are very insecure with their 'social identities' and are trying to change the status quo as well as promoting liberal thought, the curious thoughts came to me: Is heightism going to be addressed now? and If so, would it lead to negative ramifications?   

Here are my thoughts on these: I remain indifferent yet thoughtful.  Though it's nice that this would be addressed, I think it would be fair not to do anything about it.  Why?  Because bringing attention to this matter would proliferate the negativity towards the shorter man.  We don't need more negativity towards us.  Fortunately, from my experiences, I think that heightism towards us is quite rare in most public spheres.  However, if the shorter man is in the dating sphere, then apparently, he will experience heightism.  All I say is that 'ghosting' and leaving this issue in the dark remains stable in a neutral way, which may be positive.


Let me know what you think. 

Last Edited By unknown (2016-07-27 23:07:22)

Short Vassal
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Re: Short Men and 'Social Justice'
post #2

Nope but that has more to do with Short Men than it has to do with Heightism itself. Spreading awareness is important but how long has this site been around and its users aren't active here enough?

I think it's a man thing also. Men are called as being whiners or complainers if they don't make the best of their lot in life. Being black affect men and women. Fat men and women. Gay men and women. Notice how women are in the equation. People don't feel sorry for Men, they do for women. Shortness affects men only, so no one cares about our lot. We'd have to speak en masse for any real changes to happen.

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Re: Short Men and 'Social Justice'
post #3



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Re: Short Men and 'Social Justice'
post #4


Originally posted by ShortyDooWop

We'd have to speak en masse for any real changes to happen.

That's the key, right there.  Speak en masse.  In order for short men to combat heightism, we need a whole lot of solidarity.

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Re: Short Men and 'Social Justice'
post #5

There certainly would be bigots at first who would see this as a joke. Just like they didn't take the civil rights movement seriously at first. However, having open debates on this issue as leagues of men (as you guys above me mentioned) would alter the paradigm that exists, especially in America but maybe not so much for areas such as China unfortunately.