Member Profiles: stalleek
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Recent Posts From stalleek
That's the key, right there. Speak en masse. In order for short men to combat heightism, we need a whole lot of solidarity.
I'm in a long-term relationship, so not really MGTOW, but I have definitely read up on it. I am marriage-free and child-free.
What is up with heels? I think it heels were to disappear overnight, it would open up a lot of dating options for shorter men. Maybe we need to start a massive campaign to make them unpopular
In all fairness though, only the 3rd woman seemed really opposed to dating short men. The others had either dated shorter, were open to dating a little shorter, or at least ok with simply tallER (as opposed to tall).
I'm not really sure what conclusions you were trying to draw between the 2 videos. I missed it.
This isn't a height issue, it's a partner selection issue.
To be honest though, I don't advise marriage in this day and age. It has no real benefit for men, but plenty of legal and financial downsides. Same goes for having kids: TOO RISKY.