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Posts : 8 Replies : 23 Last Post By Genti2590
How realistic is it for a short man to pull an attractive fit woman?

There are enough posts and threads online about women using men they don't find attractive or keeping them in the friend zone at best online.

At the same time, there is the mythical short player that everyone keeps bringing up as a counterpoint to the "woe is me" short man.

Well, for the users here, how realistic do you think it is for a short man to pull an attractive fit woman who likes him for him.

This is not to ignore women who are less attractive, but the idea here is that the woman in question doesn't feel that they are compromising.

So what are your thoughts? Vote in the poll and put in your two cents.

2 636
Mon Nov 11, 2024 05:48 PM
by Buncome
Who mocks short men the most in real life (not social media) ?

I'd place my bet on short women and men slightly taller, it never fails. With short women, it's usually a projection of their own insecurities and to distance themselves from shorter guys, and with average height guys, it's because they have someone to look down on and will therefore mock (they wouldn't do this to taller dudes).


5 1,282
Tue Jun 25, 2024 08:05 PM
0 7
Mon Jun 17, 2024 05:36 AM
by AndyB
0 16
Mon Jun 17, 2024 05:32 AM
by AndyB
0 48
Sun Jun 16, 2024 08:22 PM
by AndyB
Is anyone here happy with their height?

Curious to know if anyone is actually happy with their height here and why.

7 1,979
Fri Sep 24, 2021 08:11 AM
Miserable vs Successful short men

I've been reading a lot of posts on this forum as of late. There seems to be two camps for short guys. Let's call them Camp A and Camp B

Camp A -

• Miserable
• Self-loathing
• Mad at the world
• Believes that life would be infinitely better if they were taller
• Thinks taller men are intrinsically better than short men
• Believes that short men do not receive or are worthy of respect
• Spends time researching how to become taller
• Blames lack of success with women on being short

Camp B 

• Content
• Loves thyself
• Believes that positive outcomes are a result in self improvement and goal-setting
• Does not care much about their height, but works on things they can change (fashion, fitness, income, etc)
• Does not believe taller men are better. Accepts that some people have advantages but does not mean their lives are perfect
• Spends time researching and acting on ways to level up
• Recognizes that lack of success requires self-assessment and then sets out to plan to acquire their goal in another way


There is a clear divide here. Can anyone else add to these lists.

There are some posters who will forever be in one of those two camps.

12 3,750
Mon Jun 14, 2021 04:26 PM
If you could choose to be any height, which would it be and why?

Which height would you choose if you could and why?

4 1,186
Fri May 11, 2018 10:16 PM
Where are all of you guys from? (Ancestry/Ethnicity)

Just curious! 

0 997
Sat Mar 31, 2018 10:12 AM
by MrNo1
What do you think about short guys who are muscular?

I have gained muscle mass and am down to about 15% body fat. I've heard people saying that a short guy being muscular is "awkward". On the other hand, many people think that short scrawny guys look repulsive. I'm working out and gaining muscle for me, but what do you think about being short and muscular?

4 1,187
Fri Apr 14, 2017 03:48 PM
Just bought a new car, perfect for my size. Tall friends hate it lol

Just bought a mini cooper, a car I wanted for a long time. Ignoring the obvious puns, this baby can fit in just about any parking space. My childhood best friend who is now 6'3 complained to no end when sitting in the back seat when all of the guys went out for a guy's night last week lol. We all had a laugh.

Any of you into small whips like myself or do you hover closer to the short man stereotype of driving big cars and big trucks?

Personally, the smaller the car, the better (as long as we're not talking about those one seat smart cars, then I'd get claustrophobic). smiley

2 1,069
Thu Jan 05, 2017 08:38 PM
Any MGTOWs here?

Title says all.  I'm curious.  

2 1,418
Thu Sep 01, 2016 10:34 PM
What is your ideal height?

I'm 5'7, but would rather be 5'8. Sounds cleaner. 

5 1,283
Thu Sep 01, 2016 09:49 PM
The Issue of Height Shaming

Do you think the world will recognize the issue of height shaming?  Please express your thoughts in the poll/comments.  


7 1,831
Thu Oct 29, 2015 06:07 PM
by Larry
Which is the best tall woman short man couple ever?

Was just checking out some articles short guy tall woman couples and was curious what you guys thought. Which couple do you think is the best looking short guy tall woman couple of all time? Wanted to get a poll going. What are your thoughts?

1. Nicolas Sarkozy (5'5) Carla Bruni (5'9)

2. Jamie Cullen (5'4) Sophie Dahl (6'0)

3. Jeff Richmond (5'0) Tina Fey (5'4/

4. Sonny Bono (5'5) Cher Sarkisian (5'9)

5. Tom Cruise (5'6) Katie Holmes (5'9)

6. Kevin Hart (5'2) Enikko Parish (5'4)

7. Billy Joel (5'4) Christie Brinkley (5'9)

8. Michael J. Fox (5'4) Tracey Pollan (5'6)

9. Prince (5'2) Mayte Garcia (5'6)

Tall Woman Short Man Prince Mayte Garciaa

10. Robert Reich (4'10) Claire Dalton (5'7)

5 14,775
Mon Sep 28, 2015 03:38 PM
by Mouse
How attractive do you see yourself?

I am curios because I feel like most men, short or not, struggle just like women do. Most days I see myself at a 7 which to me, isn't bad. Anything below a 5 is bad.

2 1,349
Fri Sep 25, 2015 08:17 PM
by Catman
Posts : 10 Replies : 26 Last Post By TinyWizard

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