Member Profiles: brosbeforehoes
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- brosbeforehoes
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Recent Posts From brosbeforehoes
After noticing how evil short women can be about a man's height, I wondered if it was in my best interest to only date (or try to date) tall women and women of average height. Women 5'3 and up tend to care less about my height than women shorter. Do you notice the same? When I hear little women say they only want to date tall men so their kids can be tall (which doesn't always happen), it kind of makes me want to do the same, especially since I'm short for a guy (but not as short as these short women who tell me to get lost).
In order, which is the most important to attract women? And which would you say is THE most important?
I'd say
- Income
- Height
- Looks
- Connections
- Physique
- Education
I wouldn't put personality on that list because you have to get to know a person to become attracted or turned off by that.