Does the height of you partner matter?
This is a multiple choice poll.
Poll Expired: 06-Aug-2020
I only date short women
100% of voters (1 Votes)
I only date average-tall women
0% of voters (0 Votes)
1 Total votes

Short guys, do you seek out taller women for the sake of your kids?

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Short guys, do you seek out taller women for the sake of your kids?
post #1

After noticing how evil short women can be about a man's height, I wondered if it was in my best interest to only date (or try to date) tall women and women of average height. Women 5'3 and up tend to care less about my height than women shorter. Do you notice the same? When I hear little women say they only want to date tall men so their kids can be tall (which doesn't always happen), it kind of makes me want to do the same, especially since I'm short for a guy (but not as short as these short women who tell me to get lost).


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Re: Short guys, do you seek out taller women for the sake of your kids?
post #2

My only qualification for dating was that my date be no taller than I am.  I am overly sensitive to this issue, so I couldn't bear the thought of her being bigger than I am.  I dated, fell inn love, married, and have have married and completely true to, a fine woman who is 5'2" to my 5'4".  Her Dad was short too, and she admired her Dad greatly.  Everyone did.  Genetics are difficult to predict, random-- full of surprises.  Our sons are 5'11" and 5'9" - both strong military men.  We're very proud of them.  They are as God made them, just like me, only without all the emotional strain of living life at the short end of the stick like their Dad and grandpas.  My wife actually wanted a smaller man since she finds large ones a little scary.  She loves me for my integrity, my wit, and my talents and intelligence.  Those are things to look for and think about when you date.  I wish you well.

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Re: Short guys, do you seek out taller women for the sake of your kids?
post #3


Originally posted by gymshorts

My only qualification for dating was that my date be no taller than I am.  I am overly sensitive to this issue, so I couldn't bear the thought of her being bigger than I am.  I dated, fell inn love, married, and have have married and completely true to, a fine woman who is 5'2" to my 5'4".  Her Dad was short too, and she admired her Dad greatly.  Everyone did.  Genetics are difficult to predict, random-- full of surprises.  Our sons are 5'11" and 5'9" - both strong military men.  We're very proud of them.  They are as God made them, just like me, only without all the emotional strain of living life at the short end of the stick like their Dad and grandpas.  My wife actually wanted a smaller man since she finds large ones a little scary.  She loves me for my integrity, my wit, and my talents and intelligence.  Those are things to look for and think about when you date.  I wish you well.

Sounds like you lived an awesome life so far. Why do you think your kids grew to be much taller than both you and your wife?

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Re: Short guys, do you seek out taller women for the sake of your kids?
post #4

The only reason is answered prayer - genetically it was highly improbable.  I can still remember when I sat the older one down when he was 13 and explained that soon some insensitive relatives and friends were going to be making a big, hairy deal about the disparity in our heights.  I told him that I was extremely glad and relieved he didn't have to endure life at the bottom rung as I do, but that out of respect for me as his father, he was not to point it out verbally, and join with all the lunkheads who felt compelled to point it out.  He understood perfectly, and complied gladly with my wishes.  Whenever we are together and I get the famous lunkhead question, "Wow. Where did he get the height from?" I resist my temptation to say "The mailman" and instead I totally change the subject and refuse to respond.  Occasionally I have said, "I'll forgive you for asking that if you'll forgive me for not answering."  I am very very glad both sons were spared my fate. But having to consider my issue has turned them into thoughtful young men who are sensitive to the feelings of others, and that's really a good thing.

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Re: Short guys, do you seek out taller women for the sake of your kids?
post #5

I'm not having children, so I can completely scratch this from the equation.

My preference is for women who are a little shorter than myself.