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Posts : 8 Replies : 23 Last Post By Genti2590
She says she is using a 5'6 man and doesn't want to touch him


One hundred percent honest, yet one hundred percent brutal.

Make sure you keep your head on a swivel.

0 106
Sat Aug 03, 2024 07:04 PM
He points out her thirst, then her heightism

She thought she hit the jackpot, but left empty-handed.

Checkmate for the tall king. 

0 111
Thu Aug 01, 2024 02:27 PM
Looks like this heightist woman on Tinder was taught a lesson!

Heightist Woman On Tinder Taught A Lesson | Height And Dating | Short Guys | Short King | Short Kingz Heightist Woman On Tinder Taught A Lesson | Height And Dating | Short Guys | Short King | Short Kingz

Saw this conversation online. The guy was actually 5'6 and said he was 6'3, most likely because the woman lead with the "infamous question" to start the conversation. I guess personality isn't the top priority.

Award goes to this guy. He's a real one! 🏆


5 256
Sun Jul 28, 2024 09:30 PM
by MrNo1
5'5 Man gets rejected on Tinder.

At least she didn't ghost him and was straight up about it. 

0 163
Sun Jul 28, 2024 03:43 AM
by AndyB
She is considering dumping her boyfriend over height.

The moment she is in this frame of mind, it's already over.

Hopefully the guy takes the social cues and jets out of there.

0 156
Sat Jul 27, 2024 08:45 PM
Do women give shorter white guys a pass?

This is something I've noticed with interracial dating. 

Shorter white guys seem to get some kind of pass from non-white women.

I will not deny that a taller man (any race) will have more potential for better outcomes when it comes to dating non-Indian women.

However, I notice that non-white women will be more accepting of a shorter white guy while scoffing at shorter men from their own race and culture.

There is this Asian woman I know who always has something negative to say about short men, but her current boyfriend is 5'6 or so, but white.

I called her out on this and she said, "but he's different".

All of her Asian boyfriends were exceptionally tall.

The only thing "different" about him is that he is not Asian.

I've seen this with Indian women I know also.

What is your take on this. Have you noticed this?


8 416
Thu Jul 25, 2024 02:10 PM
He overheard his girlfriend saying she'd leave him for someone taller

What would you have done?

0 168
Mon Jul 22, 2024 08:23 PM
by TheWay
Guy goes on a rant, but is he wrong though?

This guy has come to the conclusion that every short guy does when they become aware of how dating works. 

1 152
Sat Jul 20, 2024 11:56 AM
Man rejects her for having 5 kids. Disappointed, she says "I knew it".

Sharing this because it shows a commonality in the dating market, having a trait that makes you undesirable to many even though if they are attracted to your looks and or character.

The guy on this show, "Pop The Balloon Or Find Love" was as interested in the woman as she was him, that is until he found out she had five kids. You can see the disappointment on her face when she said, "I knew it". She was reluctant to let him know she had five kids because she knew it would run her off.

Almost like when women ask you that dreaded, "How tall are you" question online after a really good conversation. You know what's coming next. 

You can find the Instagram video here

0 90
Thu Jul 18, 2024 12:48 AM
by Buncome
4'11 guy in NYC asks for dating advice. The responses are brutal.

I cannot say that Reddit didn't deliver. As horrid as some of the responses are, they pulled no punches and gave him everything straight no chaser.

I do notice that the men responding are more realistic, while the women are virtue signaling. Also, what's great is the men who concern-troll are called out and humbled.

You can find that Reddit post here.

3 516
Wed Jul 17, 2024 06:44 AM
Assessment Of Dr. Elom from Pop The Balloon Of Find Love

In my opinion, this is a woman's nightmare on a dating show or dating app. He holds all of the cards.

How do we know this? Though many of women there couldn't stand him and popped their balloons, many of them continued to go back and forth with him because they felt they need to prove something.

If Dr. Elom were a foot shorter, never mind that they would've popped the balloons the moment he walked on; they would've dismissed everything and anything he had to say. If you want to argue this, look at the way the different groups of women treat pretty much any short contestant. 

0 130
Tue Jul 16, 2024 08:14 AM
by Buncome
The Strategy Of Dating Short Men

Economist Arnold Kling, PhD answers a reader's question by exploring the efficacy of a new dating strategy which in theory could help women net more secure long-term exclusive relationships.

You can find the In My Tribe article here.


1 333
Mon Jul 15, 2024 08:28 PM
by TheWay
Writes article apologizing to short men, then about being single at 36

An Apology To All The Short Men On Dating Apps | Height And Dating | Short Men | Short Kingz  She Is Single At 36 | Height and Dating | Short King | Short Kingz

Couldn't make this up if you tried. Both articles written by the same woman almost a week apart. 

You can find the Medium articles here and here

1 213
Sat Jul 13, 2024 03:48 PM
by TheWay
95/5 Rule In Effect. Pop The Balloon. Latest Episode (15). Analysis

1. Tall lighter-skinned man (this matters in the context of the show's audience) walks in oafishly, like a galoot. None of the women pop their balloons (guy is taller and more built than most of the other contestants, probably around 62'-6'4).

2. Tall guy arrives in a basic t-shirt and cargo shorts (women are notorious for criticizing men for what they wear, they did this to every other person on the show)

3. Tall guy is very indecisive, doesn't say much about his interests or much at all. Says "he likes to play poker" (lol). Says for work he "invests in stocks" and is "getting into content creation" (this could mean he is unemployed or underemployed lol). None of the ladies pop their balloon. (men on the show are often criticized or dismiss for their line of work).

4. Tall guy says he dislikes women who are loud and confrontational. One pops their balloon with hesitation, the others do not. (No one challenges him for being weak and not being able to handle a strong personality).

5. Tall guy compliments most of the women in some way. None are offended (other contestants who show a lot of interest to other women usually pop their balloons)

When do they pop their balloons? WHEN HE ADMITS HE HAS A ROTATION (i.e. he is "shared" by other women, he admits to four being in his rotation).

If he didn't admit this, he would've still had his pick. Go figure. 95/5 on display.


2 491
Sat Jul 13, 2024 02:51 AM
by AndyB
She looked past his size for happiness.

They're now calling these "mixed-weight" relationships. 🙄

I don't see how this is a big deal. The guy is still taller than his woman, and the media has pushed bigger men with thinner women forever. Think about the television series, "The Honeymooners", "King Of Queens",  even "The Flintstones" and "Family Guy".


0 176
Wed Jul 10, 2024 07:51 PM
Why only 15% of women would date men under 5'8

The woman in this video unsurprisingly makes this video about taller men becoming more serious partners than coming up with a solution for the men under 5'8. 

You can find the HazardBoysMedia Tik-Tok video here

1 580
Tue Jul 09, 2024 09:04 PM
Posts : 10 Replies : 26 Last Post By TinyWizard

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