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Short Kingz Community Terms Prologue
Welcome! Short Kingz Community is a service that allows for the exchange of information for all things related to the success of shorter men in all facets of life, be it the workplace, socially, with women, fashion, self-defense, etc . By accessing, using or creating an account with Short Kingz Community (from here on referred to as “ShortKingz ”), (a) you affirm that you are over 16 years of age and (b) you agree to adhere to our Terms. If you are between the ages of sixteen (16) and eighteen (18) you must have the expressed written consent of your legal guardian to use Short Kingz. This agreement may be modified periodically and constitutes legally binding terms and applies to your use of Short Kigz. You are authorized to use Short Kingz (whether access or use is intended), but agree to abide by all applicable laws, rules, regulations, and these terms regardless of your Member Status† with Short Kingz at any given time. To keep the spirit of these forums enjoyable and informative, we require you to follow these forum rules. 1.1 Moderator Judgment Whether made clear in these Forums terms or not, moderator judgment is what governs these forums. AtEyeLevel is strictly moderated. Messages express the views of their authors, not Short Kingz or its staff. We are not responsible for the content of any message. AtEyeLevel reserves the right to modify, move, close or delete any message, post, thread or content and/or ban any user for any reason. 2.1 Personal Attacks Prohibited Criticize ideas and statements, not the individual asserting them. Threats and overly negative emotional outbursts are unwarranted. Personal Attacks, Flaming, Trolling, and Outing are expressly prohibited. 3.1 Respect Laws Any posts promoting or requesting pirated software, the disruption of devices, spam, phishing, hacking, license breaches, law breaking, criminal activity, unauthorized use of copyrighted material or damage to any third parties or individuals (i.e. slander or libel) will be deleted and in some cases, your ISP and authorities may be contacted. Short Kingz relinquishes any incurred damages due to threads or posts to the creator of those respective threads or posts. 4.1. Obscenities Do not post any pornographic, sexually explicit, objectifying, lewd, offensive material or excessive foul language. Any of the content in our forums should be displayable in the workplace without fear of retribution. Short Kingz is an SFW site. 5.1 Account Management Forum members may only maintain one account and have a valid, current email addressed attached to it. Dual accounts and abandoned accounts may be deleted by moderators with or without notice. 6.1. Commercial Postings Commercial postings, solicitations, offers, deals, sales and want-to-buy posts are allowed in our Classified forums. Our Classified forums are pay-per-post, meaning creating a new thread requires a fee. Forum members may browse these categories for free. The aforementioned postings are completely prohibited elsewhere on AtEyeLevel. 7.1. Organization We ask that all members use the search function, post in the correct forums and use clear subject lines to keep double posts, thread fluff and thread bumps to a minimum so the forums are easier to manage. 8.1. Common Sense We ask that members refrain from using very large images and fill out their profile information so we can better service our community. We also advise members to refrain from posting personal information in the forums. Members who do this do so at their own risk and agree to indemnify and hold harmless Short Kingz. Enjoy your stay and thanks for choosing Short Kingz! If you have any inquiries concerning our Terms, please contact AtEyeLevel using our Contact Page Short Kingz is an Everton Media Company Original - May 9, 2014 - AtEyeLevel Forums. |
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The crowd cheered for him because he's 6'5
You really can't make stuff like this up. |
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She said all of the excitement left her body when she found he's 5'8.
Everything was perfect until she found out she was 5'8. |
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"The Lower View" - What do you think?
A possible new direction for our brand. What do you think? |
9 | 184 |
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Short guy question on Family Fued
Believable? What say you? |
1 | 144 |
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Delusional woman tries to debate that weight rejection is worse
She can't be real.... The delusion is off the charts. |
1 | 99 |
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She said she'd rather see short men get eaten by zombies
The zombie is off-camera supposedly, but I'm wondering if it really is. Go figure... |
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Women Sharing Tall Men - Part I
All of those seven "baby mamas" just so happened to date the same guy. Go figure... |
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Big woman wants you to know why she doesn't date short men
That camera angle doesn't account for the horizontal view. Go figure... |
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Tall woman frustrated she only attracts men under 5'8
You want to feel bad, but just don't. |
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Tall woman makes up story about short men bullying her for likes
We're Pomeranians. Go figure.... |
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She's upset she was ghosted for something she can't control
Must be horrible to be ghosted. Go figure... |
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Makeup lady says short man energy is a thing
She supposedly loves short men, but says we all have problems. |
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Short, White, Bald Guys Mocked As Losers In New York Post Article
What's interesting is that "short" isn't mentioned in the story, but is in the article. You can find the New York Post article here. |
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Short guys who get told they're handsome, is dating any better?
What are your biggest challenges and biggest wins? Is your experience dating different from shorter men who seem to have more negative interactions with women? In other words, does your facial attractiveness and or physique mitigate height bias? On the other end, are any of you withdrawn from the dating market and tired of it due to negative experiences? Finally, when you other guys see you winning, do they get jealous and try to drag you down? |
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5ft King Henry III looking woman says she can't date short men
Not thinking short men would mind so much. Go figure... |
1 | 181 |
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