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Posts : 8 Replies : 23 Last Post By Genti2590
She wants you to be 6'4 with the humility of a short king

Random online find. She wants you to be well over 6 foot, but be as humble as a Short King.

In other words, you are not supposed to be confident and assertive if you're short. That's reserved for the 6 footers.

0 109
Sat Jun 29, 2024 06:04 PM
People Date And Marry At Their Own Attractiveness Level

2024 study supports the idea that people date and marry at their attractiveness level. While the study does not explicitly say this, it can be inferred that perhaps those who struggle in the dating market consistently try to date out of their league.

You can find the University Of Florida study here.

0 118
Sat Jun 29, 2024 05:54 PM
Single Mom of 3, former escort, requires 6ft and $500K.

She demands that you make $500K/yr and be over 6 feet tall.

Meanwhile, she is 5'2, anything but fit and has three kids from another man.

1 288
Sat Jun 29, 2024 08:15 AM
Doctor checks short woman complaining about men getting LL

She can't understand "why a man would go through this grueling procedure", but when asked if she has a height preference, she thinks she is saying something when she says, "I don't care how tall my man is as long as he's taller than me".

The doctor quickly pointed out the "as long as". Brilliant call-out on this part.

0 190
Sat Jun 29, 2024 05:24 AM
5' woman rejects 5'8 law student, says "they're about the same height"

She really thinks because she's wearing heels that a man a whole 8 inches taller than her is "about the same height?

0 122
Fri Jun 28, 2024 09:08 AM
Any horror stories with Leg Lengthening

I am considering leg lengthening to go from my current height (5'5 1/2) to 5'8, so a little under 3 inches. All I see online are success stories. Are there any horror stories or botched stories that anyone has whether it be through personal experience or that they've read about online?

I ask just so I can get past success bias and see the bigger picture if there is any. 

2 296
Fri Jun 28, 2024 07:28 AM
There are lots of women who crush on short guys but fear being judged

I've know many women who have crushed on me or other short men. I have a lot of female friends on social media who dated or had children with shorter men who talk smack about shorter men online. 

I wholeheartedly believe that there are lots of women out who like shorter men or may even prefer shorter men, but are afraid of critical feedback from their friends (as many demonstrate hive-mindedness) or for being perceived as not being able to get or qualify for a tall man. 

Take one of my friends who is 4'9 who always goes for the tallest man in the room. She has expressed to me a few times (usually over drinks) that she really likes me (she isn't my type), but plays it off in public and comes off as if she has something to prove by bagging, not just a tall man, but again the tallest man. Its almost like a pissing contest between her and her friends.

It's an example of obsessing over what other people think and impressing people who really couldn't care any less in the grand scheme of things. In my opinion, a woman who would rather stay single than date a man that she likes who happens to be short, probably doesn't care for men much anyway.  She is just more concerned with showing men off as a trophy and like the men who throw up their money just to be with the prettiest and vapid of women, those women deserve the same fate.

0 169
Fri Jun 28, 2024 07:10 AM
This is male privilege.

Found this on another website. 

0 160
Fri Jun 28, 2024 06:57 AM
She's likes short guys but her boyfriend happens to be tall - Part 2

I never get tired of reading through the mental gymnastics every time someone say something like this. 🙄

1 274
Thu Jun 27, 2024 05:31 PM
She says dating women who are thin is fatphobic?

What exactly is this woman talking about?

Another loud mouth academic with too much time on her hands.

1 160
Thu Jun 27, 2024 05:25 PM
"It's not hard for a guy to be taller than me"

What does that even mean? You ever watch these shows where a woman is asked what her height preference is and she says something like "I'm 5'5 and as long as he's taller than me, which isn't hard to do".

Umm,  yes it's  not just "hard" to do, it's literally impossible. You are the height you are and can't do anything about it. But then these same people act as if weight-loss is "harder" by comparison.

1 251
Thu Jun 27, 2024 05:23 PM
4'11 woman tells men confidence will make them taller

Round table talks about the percentage of men who are 6' or taller.

What exactly is the 4'11 woman on the panel talking about?

0 105
Thu Jun 27, 2024 05:15 AM
6 foot man in wheelchair possibly permanently after Leg Lengthening

All of this for 1.5 inches of extra height. The man was already 6'. This is insanity.

0 226
Wed Jun 26, 2024 08:52 PM
6'1 Woman Says She Doesn't Care About Height

She claims that she doesn't care about height and those that do are the problem.

You can find this Instagram video here.

1 223
Tue Jun 25, 2024 09:06 PM
Best place to purchase jeans in smaller sizes?

I shop at Aeropostale and Macy's and can find jeans down to a size 30. Short of taking my jeans to a tailor, can any of you recommend a place that sells jeans for adults off-the-rack with inseams down to about size 28? The more suggestions the merrier.

I prefer what they'd call "slim athletic" or fitted. Tapered down the legs with some room to breathe further up.

3 286
Tue Jun 25, 2024 09:05 PM
Ghosts are sexy if they are tall according to them

Ghosts Are Sexy if They Are Tall | Part I | Short Guys | Short King | Short Kingz

You can't make this stuff up. The only situation where they'd want to be boo'ed up by an actual ghost.

1 201
Tue Jun 25, 2024 08:29 PM
Posts : 10 Replies : 26 Last Post By TinyWizard

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