ShortKingz Blog

Top 10 Best Cars For Short Men
Finding clothes that fit, an attractive date and respect? Those things can sometimes be challenging for us Short Men (Don't get me started on &#....
Getting The Perfect Fit On Amazon
Keeping up your fashion game does not have to involve you spending gas money or looking up bus timetables to get to the mall. You needn'....
Skin Care Tips For Short Men
Remember this - As a man, your face is the first thing people will see. Your height is the first thing people will notice. Your height is an attr....
Introducing The Short Kingz Marketplace!
Perhaps you're looking for a pair of jeans with your size inseam without rummaging through a mass merchandiser and then runni....
2015 Holiday Gift Guide For Short Men
It's that time of year again! Everyone who wasn't being nice for the last eleven months is all of a sudden kissing up. Decorations are going up all over the place, chatter is brewing about whi....
Fashion Advice For Short And Stocky Men
Looking your best is a prerequisite for success. Whether you're in the boardroom or on the scene in a nightclub, the notion of dressing your best applies to everyone regardless of stature. Th....

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