Member Profiles: TheDestroyer
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Recent Posts From TheDestroyer
I'll never forget that facial expression.
I'm big on the idea of confience and I have tons of it, but even I can't deny this, that facial expression.
I didn't get it from my parents, but I do remember when I was dating this woman who was 5' flat.
She had two kids. One day when she was child-free, I went over to her place and she was showing me around.
She had pictures of her kids who I believe were teens around that time, and I pointed out how they were all around the same height and that they looked like the perfect family.
She made a face when I said that and I'll never forget her reply. She said, "yeah, their father was small", with such embarassment.
Look man, I'm 5'7, so not tall at all (perhaps taller than her kid's father), but nonetheless, I definitely felt some kind of way after hearing that.
Like, are you kidding me?
I don't entirely disagree with what he's saying, but without a doubt, height plays a significant factor. The fact of the matter is, many or most women would choose a 6ft skinny guy over a 5'7 guy like myself who is jacked.
There are women however who would value an in shape guy much more that's within reasonable range of her height preference. If she has a strong 5'10 preference, and she's say, 5'2 she might let 5'8 or even 5'6 guy slide if he is what they like to say "top-tier"
Complete embarrassment. Height is the least of his problems.
The gym should obviously be one of many things on his list.
Don't be this guy.
Self-Improvement will always give better results than staying where you are. This guy is what a lot of ladies would call "average-looking", but his dedication to his physique and success gives him a major edge. I absolutely believe that most of these reactions are genuine.