Member Profiles: admin
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- admin
Status: Offline
Banned?: No
Ban End: N/A
Recent Posts From admin
From now any image inserted into a post using the IMAGE button in the FORMATTING menu will allow the image to be displayed in a lightbox when clicked. Here are the steps to make that happen:
1. Press The Image Button In The Formatting Menu
2. Put the URL of the picture you want to display under the INFO tab
3. Put the same URL used above in the URL field in under the LINK tab.
For best results, set the width of your pics no larger than 375 px.
That's it! Enjoy!
The new thumbs up/thumbs down feature is similar to Reddit where users can upvote and downvote individual posts! However we also added the total number of upvotes and downvotes in the user's stat area so you can see just how reputable a user is! Please do not abuse the Upvote/Downvote feature. We added this to improve the AtEyeLevel experience..
Forum Crash On July 15, 2014
Unfortunately our site crashed due to bandwidth overload and we lost some posts. We are using Google Cache to recover some of those posts and threads. As it would be unproductive to ask users recreate threads, we are assigning some of the old posts that can be recovered to user "RepostBot".
- If you see a post that you know you created, don't be alarmed.
- Posts which cannot be recovered but are cached will be assigned to user "RepostBot"
- If you wish to recreate your thread, go ahead and do it, we will prune the backup posts/threads
- We have everything under control and are working overtime with backups.
- This will not happen again. Sorry for any inconveniences.