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Posts : 8 Replies : 23 Last Post By Genti2590
Pretty dope site.

What's up Short Kingz! I love that a site like this exists. It's so thorough.

I'm from NYC. I do not struggle with dating per se, though I also don't claim that I am some mega chad or have some huge ego.

I'm here to talk mainly clothes, and the occasional heightism that I experience. 

Look forward to being a part of this board. 


1 263
Thu Jun 06, 2024 07:58 PM
Started by MyFairLady
New here.

I saw this site talked about on reddit and decided to join. I date shorter guys, but they have to be taller than me by at least two inches. Most of the guys I date are in the 5'4-5'8 range.

4 359
Mon May 27, 2024 07:40 PM
by InStyle
Can I be a short king at 6’1”?

Hi everyone,

so I am 6' 1" but I still feel like I identify as a short king. My family is all 6'5" + (women included) and I am great friends with many many short kingz and I've developed a lot of solidarity with the community. Let me know if I would be welcome in this community, really not trying to stir any trouble! But maybe this can be a great space to move our community discussion forward. Thanks in advance! Looking forward to connecting with some fellow kingz

Confidence is key,


6 780
Mon May 27, 2024 09:28 AM
Started by LilIce
Hi everyone.

New to the board. Hailing from Brick City/Newark, NJ!

Nice to see that a place like this exists.

0 190
Tue Apr 30, 2024 08:45 AM
by LilIce
Started by SmartAndNerdy
Hi all.

New to the site and thought I would introduce myself.

Name is John and I attend college in New York City. 

1 259
Wed Apr 24, 2024 05:18 PM
Just joined. Love the site.

My name is Charles. Everyone calls me Chuck. I'm a DJ, musician and work in the surveillance field. 

0 210
Tue Apr 23, 2024 06:23 AM
It's been a while! I love the new site!

Hi all. This new site update looks AMAZING! It's almost like an entirely new site! Just thought I'd reintroduce myself. 

0 242
Sat Apr 20, 2024 08:47 PM
Started by thepostman
New here.


2 1,363
Sat Dec 04, 2021 03:42 PM
by moncef
If you're proud of being short clap your hands

Hi Community!

I am not only a short guy but also a light guy: 55 kg on the good days. I do realize it is hard for women to feel sexually attracted to us given their (rather common, not everyone's like that blablabla I KNOW) instinct to seek out a more protective, dominant and reassuring figure for a mate. To be fair, I sometimes feel insecure myself knowing I'd get smashed in a fight against a taller man. This is probably why I turned out to be a rather agreeable person. I cannot really afford to upset other people too much. Cheers if you can relate :)




1/ How to make up for my minimalistic stature?

- Social skills: be interesting, entertaining, empathetic and good at talking. Wait.. it's the same advice people give to ugly people, LOL!

- Bulk up. Hit that gym. Gain mass, so there's more of you. Take care of yourself. Be handsome, at least, Goddamit!


2/ Is the short man an endangered species?

- Yes, I do think so. People are getting taller and taller as a result of both mating selection and increased access to high-calories food. Go check out the kids in your local high school: all of them are tall, it's crazy!


3/ What hope is there for us, then?

- On the downside, Tinder gives women unprecedented access to a massive pool of highly desirable men (aka tall.. ok ok it's fine, I'm trolling) to casually hook-up with, in an increasingly sexually liberated society. As consequence, your regular 5/10 next-door guy is getting left out... and cannot talk about it because as middle-class Caucasian he already has the better end of the stick, right?

- On the upside, attractive sex robots powered by AI will be mainstream in a couple years. I can't wait to see how this is going to give rise to a new class of sexually satisfied MGTOWs and... Okay, this deviates too much from the original topic. In short (ho ho) let me know if you want to connect. Happy to exchange and meet you all!



0 942
Sat Dec 19, 2020 04:47 AM
Started by AndyB
Howdy everbody!

Good morning all! My name is Andy. I am the VP of Mergers and Acquisition at my east coast based firm. I was promoted six times at my company and manage a staff of thirty five people. I have a JD and a Bachelor of Science in Business. I am one of 5 executives at my company and am one of if not the shortest! 

I am happy that a place where confident and successful short men can collaborate and share experiences and tips! This is a nice and necessary space in contrast to some of the negative leaning sites on the web. We do exist! Special shoutout to whoever created this space and the people on this board! 

2 793
Fri Oct 16, 2020 12:24 PM
by AndyB
mike5f4 checking in.

Hello everyone! I am from Orlando Florida and am active in fighting stereotypes of short men and women in the media as a way to reverse bigoted stereotypes of us short statured people. I am 54 yo  and 5'4". Married twice ( first wife passed away ). Looking forward to meeting others on ateyelevel. 

2 2,525
Sat Jul 14, 2018 10:33 PM
Started by johng383
New member


I think I found this site a few years ago. Read some threads and never joined but I did recently.

Regarding (short) height, I think it is good to remember the advantages. For example, easier to brush teeth!

For me, at 5'4", that height comes in handy at least 1-2 times per week...

1. I regularly bicycle with a reproduction Schwinn Stingray. Those who remember know that they are quite low to the ground. 20-inch tires. Easy for anyone to ride those if they are under about 5'9".

2. I own a '76 Cadillac limousine. Being a limousine with a partition window, the front seat does not go back as far as those on the other Cadillac models from that year. Anyone over about 5'10" would feel cramped driving it. Plenty of room in the front for me! I drive this car about once every two weeks.

Anyway, I just wanted to post in the new member forum. 




4 1,131
Tue May 09, 2017 04:19 PM
Hey everyone, new member here

Just joined today and wanted to say hello.  Never thought about looking for a community of other short people before.  Pretty amazed I never thought about it before considering I've been 5'3 since high school.  Anyways, glad I found this site and Happy New Year everyone.

4 1,024
Sun Jan 22, 2017 10:25 AM
New here

Love this site. I am mostly interested in Fashion and looking stylish. Nice to see a place where we can chat each other up and learn from each other how to be our best. My name is Frankie btw.

1 1,120
Tue Jan 10, 2017 09:39 AM
New here ... Looking for support


Hello short guys. 

Im 48 years old and am 5' 5". I have gotten depressed lately about my height after a jackass insulted me in front of my girlfriend in a bar saying "is she with you?? No way!!" And laughing to his friends. He was like 6' 5" and it was obviously an insult about my height.  I just calmy said "yes she is" and walked by but it through me off that night and all night I was insecure about my height and what people were thinking. It really is a helpless feeling. I started feeling insecure with my girlfriend but played it off. I started comparing my height to all others, men and woman, and found most men towered over me, and most woman were taller as well in heels. I literally felt like I was standing in a hole and everyone was looking down on me (figuratively and literally). Its been three days and I cant shake this feeling. 

Anyone else feel like this and how can I learn to get over feeling insecure about my height? 

Thanks for any thoughts.

6 1,362
Wed Aug 31, 2016 12:51 PM
New here.

Hey guys. I'm Jeremy. I'm a short guy obsessed with fashion and style. I found this place when googling forums for short men and just like that, ended up here. 

2 1,222
Thu Aug 11, 2016 03:51 PM
by SunnyD
Posts : 10 Replies : 26 Last Post By TinyWizard

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