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Recent Posts From mrpro1
I hate the US's tall culture. Everywhere on TV you see TALL.
Tall models, tall athletes, tall everybody.
People see all this nonsense and think absurd things like "6'0 is short"
Average height is much better than tall.
Short guys have some advantages over tall guys such as a longer life expectancy.
Thats gonna be a tiugh battle to fight. The better one is to also cast the perception that being short isnt horrible. That notion is far more dangerous and scary to short men. Kids take dangerous hormones to make sure they arent going to be short. Parents think it is so horrific that they choose to do this. Now that perception shouldnt be as difficult to change since its sooo insane.
And how did you react? How did others react?
I felt like crap of course. Not because I'm upset that I'm short or anything, but because people think it's completely acceptable to mock someone for their height.
I told them that it's douche-like to make fun of me or point out something about me that I had no control over and can't change. They cringed and one apologized. Another one laughed at said it was "my problem".
What would you have done?
I dont know. Its part of our problem as short guys that when we show it bothers us it just makes it worse. Probably because the perception is that we "shouldnt think bad about our height" yet everyone ridicules us about it. Its a double edged sword. If we complain we are admitting being short is bad, thus really just knocking ourselves. Its a terrible predicament we find ourselves in.
I once had an *bleep* ask me "why are u so short?". The first time I didnt react harshly and said, I dont know. The next time I saw him, about a year later, he asked me the same question in front of a woman I was with and I said "Bob, do you have a problem with my height?" He said no what do you mean. I said "well this is the second time you asked me that question and I think you are trying to demean me about my height." And that rattled him. He knew he was but didnt expect that and he became apologetic.
A joke is a joke but when you know its meant to demean its not acceptable.
Sad to say but maybe you should have countered the little wise's remark with a retort about him. "I might be shorter than you but your nose has grown too big for your face." Or "you might be an inch taller but your also ten inches wider." They are pointing out something they preceive makes you inferior to them, which gives you the right to do the same.
Im 5 5 as well and am 48 and I really appreciate your post. I am a successful professional, was married for 19 years, got divorced and now am serious w a 34 year old beauty. I must admit though that I am still very self conscious about my height and how people view me for being short, both men and woman. Its easy to say "I dont care what other people think. But being aware that there is a general perception toward short men as being negative is hard to ignore and sometimes it makes me feel self conscious and insecure. The idea that we must just accept it and be happy regardless of this perception and the insults that accompany it, encourages the blatant heightism seen in society. Im a confident strong minded man but that doesnt mean I should be ok with insults meant to degrade me.
If you've achieved this much success in your life, you should feel better than most men. There are plenty of 6 footers who caught knee deep in divorce related debt and can't enjoy life to save their lives. Do you have any kids? And you're dating a 34 yr old at 48? I know a couple of 30+ year old virgins who aren't short lol.
I get what you are saying and I know life is good. (I live right on the ocean as well lol) but its that I know how people preceive short people and thus preceive me. I guess I have too much pride in myself. I cant take that some people can knock you down just because you are short, that most woman can find you unsuitable for them or that society expects you to accept your place as "not as good" as a tall person. Its the perception and perception is reality. I think Ive been trying to fight it for my whole life and it sucks but accepting it is worse. Its like no matter what I achieve, I will still be a short guy and who wants to be a short guy.
Hello short guys.
Im 48 years old and am 5' 5". I have gotten depressed lately about my height after a *bleep* insulted me in front of my girlfriend in a bar saying "is she with you?? No way!!" And laughing to his friends. He was like 6' 5" and it was obviously an insult about my height. I just calmy said "yes she is" and walked by but it through me off that night and all night I was insecure about my height and what people were thinking. It really is a helpless feeling. I started feeling insecure with my girlfriend but played it off. I started comparing my height to all others, men and woman, and found most men towered over me, and most woman were taller as well in heels. I literally felt like I was standing in a hole and everyone was looking down on me (figuratively and literally). Its been three days and I cant shake this feeling.
Anyone else feel like this and how can I learn to get over feeling insecure about my height?
Thanks for any thoughts.
I see how that would get under my skin, but at 48? I'm younger than you, but clearly this guy has a major insecurity issues. Why at 6'5 would he need to get in some guy's face, a man a foot shorter just to shoot off at the mouth? Maybe because he thought "damn, how could he get her while I'm walking solo".
He'd never admit it, but the guy is jelly lol
Age doesnt really matter if you have pride in yourself. Its just the idea that some people look down on you or me because of height. They think they are better than you and that perception is real if you ask many men and especially woman. I know its not true but the fact that others preceive it to be makes it hard to ignore. The guy certainly had issues and my 34 year old girlfriend is very beautiful but it doesnt change the fact that others in the same bar are also thinking the same way. Thats what gets me feeling insecure, that there are people that think less of me because I am short. I can think Im the greatest in the world but it wont make them think different and it might even make them think im "over compensating". I competed at the very highest levels of golf and I still KNOW that people look down on me just because Im short. It tiring. Damn tiring.