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Posts : 8 Replies : 23 Last Post By Genti2590
Mother downplays height now that she knows her son will be a short man

Mother Tries To Downplay Height Now That She Knows Her Son Will Be A Short Man | Genetics | Short Man | Short Guys | Short King

 I have older friends who've told me they saw this play out, but it's interesting to watch on Social Media.

0 32
Sun Feb 16, 2025 12:20 PM
Woman does not want any more offspring with her short husband

He thought because he was married he was safe.

Go figure...

0 166
Tue Jan 14, 2025 06:29 PM
Another mother furious her son will most likely be a short adult

Thought a mother would love her children and accept them no matter what...

Go figure...

0 192
Tue Jan 14, 2025 06:00 PM
Mothers freaking out because of their son's final heights

Mothers Freaking Out About The Final Height Of Their Sons | Height And Genetics | Short Men | Short Guys | Short King | Short Kingz

Mothers Freaking Out About The Final Height Of Their Sons | Height And Genetics | Short Men | Short Guys | Short King | Short Kingz

Mothers Freaking Out About The Final Height Of Their Sons | Height And Genetics | Short Men | Short Guys | Short King | Short Kingz

Mothers Freaking Out About The Final Height Of Their Sons | Height And Genetics | Short Men | Short Guys | Short King | Short Kingz

You should ask why they're freaking out when clearly "personality" is the only thing that really matters.

Go figure...

1 212
Sun Jan 12, 2025 11:18 AM
TRUTH BOMBS - Short moms express disappointent in height of their sons

Of course, height isn't "that important".

Go figure...

1 294
Fri Dec 06, 2024 06:54 AM
Tall woman argues dating a shorter man to make normal height children

Taller Woman Makes The Case Of Dating A Shorter Men To Make Normal Height Children | Height And Genetics | Dating | Short Men | Short King | Short Kingz

I know this blog post has been referenced on this site as a source for a few articles, but thought it was worth posting again in its raw form as the blog is now defunct and only accessible through web archives. The name of the blog was "Slightly Awkward Shelly".

The comments did not disappoint and went exactly as you think they would (with a few supportive ones here and there).

7 349
Sun Nov 10, 2024 05:48 PM
by TheMog
4ft10 woman marries 5ft7 man but has kid with tall sperm donor

4'10 Woman Marries 5'7 Man, But Has Kid With Tall Sperm Donor | Short Men | Short Guys | Short Kingz

The irony here.  Commentators immediately want to know the height of the dad.

We all know who got all of the fun and who got all of the responsibility.


1 259
Sun Oct 27, 2024 03:21 AM
Dutch Chad fathers over 500 children globally. Gets banned by court.

Dude sought out women who wanted to conceive using social media and lied to them about how many times he donated in the past. When the Dutch court banned him after he was reported, he continued to use this "procurement" method.

Now he has offspring all over the globe.

Now guess why so many were open to use him to conceive.

Some were even done the "natural" way...

2 352
Thu Jul 25, 2024 10:01 AM
by TheMog
My mother's reaction to my final height

I had to be about 16 or so. My mother took me to my pediatrician and while there we were reviewing X-rays. The doctor told my mom that after looking at my growth plates, I would grow to end up anywhere from 5'4 to 5'6. She was bang on correct.

At this time, my mother's reaction didn't phase me as I was just happy to get to be at least 5'6 considering how tall I was at the time, but looking back, I remember it like it was yesterday. My mother said, "That's it? Not even 5'8? His father is 6' and his uncles are all are taller than that!". I can't remember the conversation following that, but I didn't care. My grades were on point, I was on the baseball team, was one of the best saxophone players in my school and even had a high school sweetheart (we were together for a year at that point). What did my height matter? 

Her entire family is short. My aunts, uncles, grandfather; everyone on her side of the family is in the 5'-5'6 range. Her dad, my grandfather is the "tallest" at 5'7. Looking back at her reaction, it gets me a bit infuriated. Did she not think that I could inherit her genes? Also, it makes me think, would she have considered my father if he were my height?

At this age, while I do okay in dating, I will not say that I don't get annoyed when women who are much shorter only leave themselves open for much taller men, not because of the preference, but because they gallivant around as if them having a short son despite how tall their partner is cannot happen. I'm literally proof that it can and does happen, and not rarely either. 


0 331
Tue May 28, 2024 03:10 AM
Being short is fine. Combining that with hair loss is a killer

As far as I know, going back as far as my great-grandfathers on either side, no one is bald. Being a 5'6 man for me is easy. While I have visited many boards where shorter guys discuss their grievances, I may have been fortunate in that I am above average looking, have always been athletic and am talented musically. When you add hairloss to the mix however, it opens up a whole other world of unease. I have always been confident, but having two struggles, the second (in my case hair loss) amplifies the first tenfold. I wouldn't call it an insecurity, rather reality. 

Anyone else here losing their hair? Assuming most of the people on this board are short, so how are you dealing with both minuses?



14 692
Mon May 27, 2024 09:37 AM
Short woman concerned about her sons being short

Completely self-aware, but will be crushed if her sons end up being short and find out about how their own mother viewed men like them during her own time.

8 520
Sun May 19, 2024 04:55 PM
You didn't eat or sleep enough when you were younger

Anyone ever tell you this? I went to Junior High and High school with guys who ate nothing but Doritos and drank soda. Some were my best of friends and their parents hardly cooked. I on the other hand ate lots of meats and leafy vegetables, never drank or did any drugs as a kid and only grew to a paltry 5'5". Go figure. 

2 292
Tue Apr 23, 2024 06:27 AM
Anyone feel cheated by genetics?

Are you the shortest in your family or significantly shorter than your father? If so, do you look around at your family and wonder why you are so much shorter than the rest of them? 

6 1,975
Fri Aug 07, 2020 02:09 AM
Anyone here the shortest in their family?

My four brothers are 5'10, 6, 6'3, 5'11.

Me, 5'5. All of us have the same parents. 

0 951
Sun Jul 21, 2019 05:09 AM
23andMe DNA test to figure out why shortness is prevalent in my DNA?

23andMe is a mail-in DNA test. You basically can swab your cheek and send it in for reporting. I already know my immediate background, but am wondering if some unknown connection can explain why shortness runs in my family.

I am content with being short, but am just curious to know if certain populations running thick in my DNA can explain it better. 

Any of you ever do a DNA test and what are your backgrounds?

0 992
Fri Nov 23, 2018 06:37 AM
Which country have you felt tallest in and what was it like?

I just came back from a trip to Colombia and never felt closer to average height. Just about every man I came across in Bogota and Baranquilla weren't that much taller than me. Mind you, Bogota is the capital, a major city. Last year I was in Germany and it was obviously the complete opposite.

Which countries or cities have you been to where you felt the tallest or shortest?

1 1,044
Fri Nov 16, 2018 02:22 PM
Posts : 10 Replies : 26 Last Post By TinyWizard

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