Being short is fine. Combining that with hair loss is a killer

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Being short is fine. Combining that with hair loss is a killer
post #1

As far as I know, going back as far as my great-grandfathers on either side, no one is bald. Being a 5'6 man for me is easy. While I have visited many boards where shorter guys discuss their grievances, I may have been fortunate in that I am above average looking, have always been athletic and am talented musically. When you add hairloss to the mix however, it opens up a whole other world of unease. I have always been confident, but having two struggles, the second (in my case hair loss) amplifies the first tenfold. I wouldn't call it an insecurity, rather reality. 

Anyone else here losing their hair? Assuming most of the people on this board are short, so how are you dealing with both minuses?



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Re: Being short is fine. Combining that with hair loss is a killer
post #2

i'm the same height and have shaved my head due to hair loss for many years- just be grateful you are above average looking and were not cursed with the big 3 genetic strikes as i have been.  even though i am in tremendous physical shape, it can never make up for being short, bald & facially unfortunate. 

if you have a good shaped head, i would suggest shaving it when the hair loss gets too bad.  i briefly considered a hair transplant but for me the risk of scaring & the potential of making my bald head far worse was too great and i do not have a good enough face regardless. 

losing my hair was extremely traumatic for me as mine was thick, black & curly and happened to be the only physical attribute which i was ever complimented on so i knew when i started losing it that it was game over for me.  for most women a man's hair is a major factor but there are a small percentage who will overlook a lack of it if the man is good looking enough.  

i have no doubt that if i were even 5'10 & had the hair i was born with, my life would have been far superior to the train wreck that is has been.  

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Re: Being short is fine. Combining that with hair loss is a killer
post #3


Originally posted by ahimsa42

i'm the same height and have shaved my head due to hair loss for many years- just be grateful you are above average looking and were not cursed with the big 3 genetic strikes as i have been.  even though i am in tremendous physical shape, it can never make up for being short, bald & facially unfortunate. 

if you have a good shaped head, i would suggest shaving it when the hair loss gets too bad.  i briefly considered a hair transplant but for me the risk of scaring & the potential of making my bald head far worse was too great and i do not have a good enough face regardless. 

losing my hair was extremely traumatic for me as mine was thick, black & curly and happened to be the only physical attribute which i was ever complimented on so i knew when i started losing it that it was game over for me.  for most women a man's hair is a major factor but there are a small percentage who will overlook a lack of it if the man is good looking enough.  

i have no doubt that if i were even 5'10 & had the hair i was born with, my life would have been far superior to the train wreck that is has been.  

Do you now shave your head regularly? Shorter guys I think will have it a bit rougher with the George Costanza or George Jefferson look.

I know a couple of short bald guys who pull off the look really well. They make sure they stay in shape, I've noticed, more so after going completely bald. It may be because of that or because of age and health concerns. I never asked them.

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Re: Being short is fine. Combining that with hair loss is a killer
post #4

My hair is beginning to thin at the crown. I'm going the minoxidil route for sure.

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Re: Being short is fine. Combining that with hair loss is a killer
post #5

Shave. I can think of a few celebrities or successful businessmen who are short and bald. Jeff Bezos and Jason Statham are the first few that come to mind.

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Re: Being short is fine. Combining that with hair loss is a killer
post #6


Originally posted by jacksplat


Originally posted by ahimsa42

i'm the same height and have shaved my head due to hair loss for many years- just be grateful you are above average looking and were not cursed with the big 3 genetic strikes as i have been.  even though i am in tremendous physical shape, it can never make up for being short, bald & facially unfortunate. 

if you have a good shaped head, i would suggest shaving it when the hair loss gets too bad.  i briefly considered a hair transplant but for me the risk of scaring & the potential of making my bald head far worse was too great and i do not have a good enough face regardless. 

losing my hair was extremely traumatic for me as mine was thick, black & curly and happened to be the only physical attribute which i was ever complimented on so i knew when i started losing it that it was game over for me.  for most women a man's hair is a major factor but there are a small percentage who will overlook a lack of it if the man is good looking enough.  

i have no doubt that if i were even 5'10 & had the hair i was born with, my life would have been far superior to the train wreck that is has been.  

Do you now shave your head regularly? Shorter guys I think will have it a bit rougher with the George Costanza or George Jefferson look.

I know a couple of short bald guys who pull off the look really well. They make sure they stay in shape, I've noticed, more so after going completely bald. It may be because of that or because of age and health concerns. I never asked them.

i shave it every few days and i am also ripped at around 10%BF but women care little about a mans body unless it comes with a 6'+ frame & an above average face.  i can't count the number of  hot women i see at my gym who have a tall, good looking BF/spouse with a full heads of hair but dad bods.  sadly, women will take a chubby chad over a jacked manlet every single time. 

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Re: Being short is fine. Combining that with hair loss is a killer
post #7


Originally posted by ahimsa42


i shave it every few days and i am also ripped at around 10%BF but women care little about a mans body unless it comes with a 6'+ frame & an above average face.  i can't count the number of  hot women i see at my gym who have a tall, good looking BF/spouse with a full heads of hair but dad bods.  sadly, women will take a chubby chad over a jacked manlet every single time. 

Which state and city do you live in (assuming you live in the U.S.)? I'm in NYC and see men in the 5'3-5'5 range with women all of the time if they're in tip-top shape and dress the part. This is doubly true in my community (Latino). For other groups it may be different, but not by much. There are a whole bunch of jacked Italian and Irish guys in the same range who all have hotties here in the Bronx.

They all have a bit of a tough and funny guy persona through my observations though and are generally successful. One guy at my gym (Italian) is a body builder, balding (has the u shape hairline) and a mechanic. His girlfriend is all the way gorgeous.

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Re: Being short is fine. Combining that with hair loss is a killer
post #8

i live in the burbs of chicago & am of italian heritage.  i have no doubt that there are a few exceptions to the rule, especially in cities with large populations but for every one of them there are many, many more men who have had zero luck due to our poor genetics. 

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Re: Being short is fine. Combining that with hair loss is a killer
post #9


Originally posted by ahimsa42

i live in the burbs of chicago & am of italian heritage.  i have no doubt that there are a few exceptions to the rule, especially in cities with large populations but for every one of them there are many, many more men who have had zero luck due to our poor genetics. 

I've been to Chicago many times and out of all of the White groups, shorter Italians tend to be paired up the most out there. Same here in NY. Are you more of an introvert?

To the OP, let it go if you have the right head shape (you can always try it out, whatever hair you have will grow back), or look into a transplant. Just make sure you do your research and get a good doctor. What's dope is today, you have options.

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Re: Being short is fine. Combining that with hair loss is a killer
post #10

i am more introverted but this is only an issue for sub5 men.  an introverted chad is considered to be mysterious & intriguing while an introverted short, bald man is looked at as being creepy & potentially dangerous.