Member Profiles: MrMclean
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- MrMclean
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Recent Posts From MrMclean
What's interesting is that "short" isn't mentioned in the story, but is in the article.
You can find the New York Post article here.
Like clockwork.
The wheel chasing to justify trapping a provider is always insane to me.
Always preferred these to the Court Royales.
The lines down the center rear of the Royales always kill the cleanliness of the look for me.
Never paired these with blazers, but now I will have to try.
I was on a date a few years ago and this woman was ragging on a guy she dated prior who lied about his height on a date.
Mind you, I'm 5'7. The woman was about 5'1 and claimed the guy was shorter than her (I'm assuming she was wearing heels if it was date).
Hearing her speak about this guy like he was a horrible person turned me off completely, as if she forgot that I'm short too.
I never called her for a second date.