Member Profiles: MrMclean
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- MrMclean
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Recent Posts From MrMclean
As far as I know, going back as far as my great-grandfathers on either side, no one is bald. Being a 5'6 man for me is easy. While I have visited many boards where shorter guys discuss their grievances, I may have been fortunate in that I am above average looking, have always been athletic and am talented musically. When you add hairloss to the mix however, it opens up a whole other world of unease. I have always been confident, but having two struggles, the second (in my case hair loss) amplifies the first tenfold. I wouldn't call it an insecurity, rather reality.
Anyone else here losing their hair? Assuming most of the people on this board are short, so how are you dealing with both minuses?
Topic: Being short is fine. Combining that with hair loss is a killer
Post #1
Replies: 14
Views: 692