She went viral because her date rejected her minutes after meeting

Short Knight
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She went viral because her date rejected her minutes after meeting
post #1

The folks at USA Today thought she needed an entire article to discuss this and paint the guy who bailed as the villain. 

Apparently, she made a tik-tok that has since racked up over 12 million views with sympathetic comments.

She is upset that people focus on the things that are "superficial".

Go figure...

Short Knight
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Re: She went viral because her date rejected her minutes after meeting
post #2

Someone needs to reply to her Tik-Tok  video with a link to all of the women who pop their balloons the moment a short man walks out or the thousands of posts on social media sites where women complain they were "height-fished" even after agreeing to a date when and knowing how tall the guy was before hand.

This whole article is laughable 😂. Awwwww, poor "wittle" baby lol.

Short Vassal
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Re: She went viral because her date rejected her minutes after meeting
post #3

I was on a date a few years ago and this woman was ragging on a guy she dated prior who lied about his height on a date. 

Mind you, I'm 5'7. The woman was about 5'1 and claimed the guy was shorter than her (I'm assuming she was wearing heels if it was date).

Hearing her speak about this guy like he was a horrible person turned me off completely, as if she forgot that I'm short too.

I never called her for a second date.