Being short is fine. Combining that with hair loss is a killer

Short Squire
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Re: Being short is fine. Combining that with hair loss is a killer
post #11


Originally posted by ahimsa42

i am more introverted but this is only an issue for sub5 men.  an introverted chad is considered to be mysterious & intriguing while an introverted short, bald man is looked at as being creepy & potentially dangerous. 

Well, that is a large part of your issue. I'm an inch shorter than you and don't struggle with dating. I don't get half or even 2/3 of the women I'm interested in, but I don't need them all. I date regularly and being extroverted, having style, not predicating my entire existence on women and my willingness to put myself out there no matter how many times I'm crapped on is part of why I have "luck". I don't agree with "being introverted only being an issue for sub-5 men".

Taller men who are socially awkward get called "creep" all of the time.

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Re: Being short is fine. Combining that with hair loss is a killer
post #12

"Taller men who are socially awkward get called "creep" all of the time."

have you ever seen this?  it was likely written as satire but is an all too accurate depiction of the halo effect in the modern dating market:



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Re: Being short is fine. Combining that with hair loss is a killer
post #13


Originally posted by ahimsa42

"Taller men who are socially awkward get called "creep" all of the time."

have you ever seen this?  it was likely written as satire but is an all too accurate depiction of the halo effect in the modern dating market:


That's a staged video made for entertainment and humor.

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Re: Being short is fine. Combining that with hair loss is a killer
post #14

of course it is, that's pretty obvious but it is also a very accurate depiction of the modern dating scene for sub5 men. 

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Re: Being short is fine. Combining that with hair loss is a killer
post #15

Thanks for all of the replies everyone. I am currently looking into my options. I don't think the completely shaven look is for me or my face shape. My hair has been a huge part of my identity. As confident as I am, I don't think I'd be able to pull off the bald look well.