Member Profiles: simplegreen808
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- simplegreen808
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Recent Posts From simplegreen808
I'm the shortest firefighter in my career department. Jokes and ball busting in my line of work is brutal to regular people, I definitely get it worse than most. That being said, when it comes to my work, it speaks for itself. Maybe the high road is to not let it get to you, and if I were a better man that's what I would do. However I embraced my "inner short man syndrome" a long time ago and busted my butt off in the gym and in the books. I can lift more and outwork maybe 75% of the other guys in my department and they know it. We have an uphill battle as short people, so if people mock me for my short man syndrome I'm fine with that. What else do they expect me to do? Just sit back and not do what I love to do? Just roll over and give up?No thanks.
It's always a worry for me because striking with someone who has long range is dangerous. I'm a mediocre at best jiu jitsu student (little over 2 years) and while I won't pretend I'm safe because of it. Having a basic understanding of grappling is huge for short people. As a firefighter I've had to hold drunk combative people down for safety. I would never dream of being considered a threat to anybody but at the very least I have a plan. If all I can do is lay on someone and keep them from harming me and yell for help then that is what I will do. I hope this helps you or anyone. Peace and stay safe.
Mr. Multi. I have traveled the world. My advise to you would be to move to where women are smaller on average, but good looking. I would move to Texas and live in Mission, Texas or anywhere close to the Texas/Mexican boarder. Also, San Antonio would be another place to move to. The women are of Mexican origin and are smaller on average in height, but they have the female curves i.e. breasts, waist and hips. Some are fat, but most are not and are attractive. I am sure you can look on dating sites, and check out the locations I have mentioned to prove what I have said is true. If you are educated, this will make you more of a catch because many men down there are not college educated. I would say the women there are between 5' and 5'5". This is what I would have done, but I am married. At 5'8", I know what is it to be treated poorly due to your height.
Mr Multi The cost of living here in Hawaii is ridiculous but the average height is shorter here also. I am 5'3 which is still short but overall because of the mix of Asian races here, people are shorter. Anyway, I feel your pain. Happy new year bro.
I fulfilled my own stereotype with my truck haha. But to be fair I didn't lift it from stock like all the locals around here. Every time I see mini coopers in the parking lot I think of how convenient that must be to park that thing.