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Posts : 8 Replies : 23 Last Post By Genti2590
Dunkin' celebrates "Short King Spring" with new beverage

Looks like we're getting some love!

1 277
Sat Apr 13, 2024 01:31 PM
"Short men and fat women earn $1K/yr less than tall men/thin women"

In typical Daily Mail style, browbeating short men at every opportunity, they unpack the "latest study".


This is the first time I am seeing in an article though that training is suggested to combat the discrimination.

0 668
Fri Aug 27, 2021 08:21 AM
Tiffany Haddish says Kevin Hart Is The Exception In Sexual Harassment

According to the Daily News, comedian Tiffany Haddish said that "pal" Kevin Hart (5'2) was the exception to the rule in sexual harrassment because he encouraged her when she was homeless. 

All I read into this is as follows:


Attractive Men = Not sexual harrassment

Average Looking/Unattractive Men = Creeps, sexual harrassment

Short Men = Eunich = Not sexual harassment = no threat


What are your thoughts?

0 988
Sun Dec 10, 2017 01:15 PM
Women getting all livd about that new makeup removal app.

There is a new app that removes makeup and filters from pictures. Women are really really upset, pissed and angry about it calling it "sexist".

Comments from the Google Play listing:


"Innapropriate and offensive. To all the misogynistic people praising the app: most men wouldn't go out with a woman if she doesn't have make up on, so stop complaining about women "lying about their beauty". Many of the "natural" looks men find attractive still use a lot of makeup to get there, they just use more neutral colours and simple shapes. If I want to wear makeup that is my decision and I do it for me, not you."


".. it’s clear he had time to do this because he’s a single douchebag who will end up forever alone.let’s see an app that shows women what men’s penises look like while they’re just chillin on the couch."


Feelings hurt much? Worth every cent in its 99 cent list price

0 1,009
Thu Nov 23, 2017 02:35 PM
0 996
Sat Oct 28, 2017 08:33 AM
Ever notice colleagues thinking taller guys are more knowledgable?

At work last week, we had this new system installed. I'm a major tech geek and everyone at work knows it. However, we had this new guy hired a few weeks ago. He is the tallest man in our division (about 6'3 or so). The rest of us men are below 6 feet. Every time women in our division or men from the outside come in with questions, it is automatically assumed that the new tall man is the knowledgable one, even though he visibly looks younger than us all.

Any of you experience anything similar?

3 1,135
Tue Oct 24, 2017 05:08 AM
by marshal
Short bashing by women in the workplace.

Being under average, I am used to this but call it out every time I hear it. This happened at work again, but this conversation was unbelievable and between four women.

Woman 1: "I can't stand when guys lie about their height saying they're 6 ft when they're actually like 5'11 or 5'10

Woman 2: "Ooooh yes, f**ing a**holes. I hated that when I was single. Thank god my hubby is an actual 6 ft. It's so amazing!

Woman 3: "I hate short men especially the really insecure ones. Like please, you're not 6ft dude, you're a 5'11 mini man. I had a date where this guy lied about his height, said he was 6'2 and was really like 5'11. Ugh"

These women were like 4/10 which made it even more frustrating. Don't the have mirrors? Frustrating that women who aren't conventionally attractive believe they are entitled to the "best of the best". Like I said, I'm used to it, but I was in the area and not in the actual conversation, so I didn't put my 2 cents in. Just proof on how obsessed society is with height. 

1 1,039
Thu Aug 10, 2017 11:54 PM
What is life like in the working world for short men?

I am in my second year of university and top out at 5'5. While I have few complains about my dating life, between reading this forum and watching TV where jokes are always done a short man's expense, I worry a little bit about what may become of me once I graduate and enter the work force. My area of study is marketing, so I will be in the business world. There is a study which is popular here that refers to taller men making more money and being taken more seriously.

In my internship, most men are much taller than I and women wear heels. Same when I go to mixers. I'm beginning to worry that my height will affect how I am perceived as in I'll be disqualified and not considered a serious candidate by anyone.

On that note, what is your experience as a short male in the workplace?

TL:DR - About to graduate university and enter the workforce. Worried that being short will make my experience difficult. Do you have any stories about how your height as affected you in the workplace?

7 1,382
Tue Jan 17, 2017 08:47 AM
My height is affecting my job

I've just started my career as an electrical engineer , I came to know the hard way how your height can affect your job,
I really can feel how our clients are not comfortable when they see for the first time , they always expect some 6ft tall engineer to deal with.
It's really frustrating , Why do we have to be born with this liability ?


2 1,111
Sat Dec 31, 2016 04:22 AM
by unknown
Woman keeps making fun of my height at work. How do I report it?

I have this woman at work who never seems to miss an opportunity to make fun of my height. Whether it's calling me a hobbit, putting things high in the air and asking me to reach it, asking me to stand next to taller people or reminding me that no woman would want a man who isn't even real. 

At our holiday party this year, she asked me why I hadn't come dressed as an elf and told me to not bother asking for a raise because I wouldn't be able to reach it. This was in front of all of the other employees. 

I cannot understand why for the life of me this kind of behavior is tolerated. If I was to even suggest that she were slightly overweight I would probably receive some kind of corrective action (I've seen this happen before).

Our HR department is full of women and I don't think they will take my complaints seriously. Do you have any advice on how I should approach this?

12 2,895
Mon Dec 19, 2016 12:29 PM
by taig95
Shorter Men = Honest/Hard Working?

I was reading an article about short men in the business world and I was shocked to read that more often than not, shorter men are more desired for big jobs that need honesty and trust. I think this comes down to the stereo typing of shorter men feeling like they have something to prove.

I have always seen myself as an honest man but it has nothing to do with my height.

3 1,473
Tue Oct 27, 2015 07:05 PM
Why are heels needed in the workplace?

When it comes to women in the workplace, some places require women to wear them. Why? I mean if men like shorter women, then why do they think heels are so sexy? I am just randomly thinking here. 

3 1,774
Tue Aug 04, 2015 01:52 PM
by Bonez
Do you get recognition from your employers?

Any of you been in your position for a long time and feel as if your height has a reason to do with you not getting promoted? I work in Engineering and do not feel my height has held me back, but I have friends who work in other disciplines who say they feel it has. This article is old, and I have heard of taller men getting paid more than us shorter men. 



2 2,152
Fri Jun 05, 2015 08:26 PM
Posts : 10 Replies : 26 Last Post By TinyWizard

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