Member Profiles: taig95
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- taig95
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Recent Posts From taig95
Dont bohter reporting her man just tell her how it is . e.g Jessica stop making fun of my height it pisses me off and its incredibly immature of you to keep making fun of my height take a dig at her to like i dont make fun of your weight problem or lanky legs .. (whatever take your pic of insults) so please stop being a kid and mentioning my height all the time im if thats your only joke then thats sad ti's, And if she persists destroy her verbally let your words be swords basically be more wittier than her that is how i deal with things like that. If you report it to HR your going to make a bigger deal out of it and show everyone in your workplace that your incredibly self concious about your height. Basically own your height man it dosent define you like it has never defined me dont use height as a crutch to lean on in life.