Member Profiles: myles21
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- myles21
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Recent Posts From myles21
This was an amazing video which just went to show that like blacks needed whites to help end slavery and bring about civil rights legislation, short people would have no voice without taller folks speaking out on heightism because any short man who talks about it would be labeled as "butt hurt".
When I was younger, I used to have a much more positive attitude about women and even identified a bit as a feminist, but that changed when I learned how many (most of them) see me and will always see me. Now I'm skeptical when dealing with women romantically on the rare occasion when I get a chance.
It seems like no one is "fine" with my height but always makes excuses. He's short but is a great guy etc etc.
Please let us know how this plays out.
I am in my second year of university and top out at 5'5. While I have few complains about my dating life, between reading this forum and watching TV where jokes are always done a short man's expense, I worry a little bit about what may become of me once I graduate and enter the work force. My area of study is marketing, so I will be in the business world. There is a study which is popular here that refers to taller men making more money and being taken more seriously.
In my internship, most men are much taller than I and women wear heels. Same when I go to mixers. I'm beginning to worry that my height will affect how I am perceived as in I'll be disqualified and not considered a serious candidate by anyone.
On that note, what is your experience as a short male in the workplace?
TL:DR - About to graduate university and enter the workforce. Worried that being short will make my experience difficult. Do you have any stories about how your height as affected you in the workplace?