What is life like in the working world for short men?

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What is life like in the working world for short men?
post #1

I am in my second year of university and top out at 5'5. While I have few complains about my dating life, between reading this forum and watching TV where jokes are always done a short man's expense, I worry a little bit about what may become of me once I graduate and enter the work force. My area of study is marketing, so I will be in the business world. There is a study which is popular here that refers to taller men making more money and being taken more seriously.

In my internship, most men are much taller than I and women wear heels. Same when I go to mixers. I'm beginning to worry that my height will affect how I am perceived as in I'll be disqualified and not considered a serious candidate by anyone.

On that note, what is your experience as a short male in the workplace?

TL:DR - About to graduate university and enter the workforce. Worried that being short will make my experience difficult. Do you have any stories about how your height as affected you in the workplace?

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Re: What is life like in the working world for short men?
post #2

You will come across some jerkbags for sure, but you're concerned about your productivity and relationships with colleagues. Learn to differentiate rough-housing from malicious intent. Honestly, I work with numbers and my work speaks for itself. I can't recall being made fun of in my company. That said, when on assignment, I've gotten snide remarks from some women or a douchebag trying to play himself up to look good in front of women.

I think a lot of it has to do with which field you work in, but you have to develop a thick skin for sure. You already know how society is. If you let others get you down, then you're doing to have a depressing adult life. Good luck. 

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Re: What is life like in the working world for short men?
post #3

As an educated professional, I have seen those taller than me given opportunities based only on height.  For example: my first 2 bosses at GE were over 6’, while my third boss who was my height was given a poor rating and he later quit.  You will see salesmen who are usually over 6’ tall, and so too are managers.  I know I have been passed over due to being 5’8”.  There certainly is a double standard when it comes to male female relationships.  Tess Holiday at 5”5” and 290 pounds was hailed as a new standard of female beauty.  When will men under 5’9” be given the same value? 

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Re: What is life like in the working world for short men?
post #4

I'm the shortest firefighter in my career department.  Jokes and ball busting in my line of work is brutal to regular people, I definitely get it worse than most.  That being said, when it comes to my work, it speaks for itself.  Maybe the high road is to not let it get to you, and if I were a better man that's what I would do.  However I embraced my "inner short man syndrome" a long time ago and busted my butt off in the gym and in the books.  I can lift more and outwork maybe 75% of the other guys in my department and they know it.  We have an uphill battle as short people, so if people mock me for my short man syndrome I'm fine with that.  What else do they expect me to do? Just sit back and not do what I love to do? Just roll over and give up?No thanks.

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Re: What is life like in the working world for short men?
post #5

I chose a career area that would place me in a work environment peopled only by women and professional, highly educated men.  So, I purposely don't have to deal with what you are about to encounter.  I'm only 5'4" and am, admittedly, overly sensitive about my height thanks to a lot of teasing in my formative years.  I purposely use my wit and charm to attract people to me, and I am gracious and kind. People respond back positively and like and respect me.  I've achieved a lot of success in my professional role by ignoring the height issue and just functioning in my roles in spite of it.  Being around mostly women helps out a lot, since that keeps me away from the arenas filled with big swaggering men who would enjoy poking fun at me.  I walk with a very confident, strident, determined air, so people assume that I am confident and competent. I strongly recommend that you arm yourself with a lot of good information (books, websites like this and Short Support) and moral support from people who care about you.  That will make a world of difference in how you handle the challenges of functioning around big, competitive men.  

Keep up the discussion here. The rest of us can be a support for you. 

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Re: What is life like in the working world for short men?
post #6


Originally posted by gymshorts

I chose a career area that would place me in a work environment peopled only by women and professional, highly educated men.  So, I purposely don't have to deal with what you are about to encounter.  I'm only 5'4" and am, admittedly, overly sensitive about my height thanks to a lot of teasing in my formative years.  I purposely use my wit and charm to attract people to me, and I am gracious and kind. People respond back positively and like and respect me.  I've achieved a lot of success in my professional role by ignoring the height issue and just functioning in my roles in spite of it.  Being around mostly women helps out a lot, since that keeps me away from the arenas filled with big swaggering men who would enjoy poking fun at me.  I walk with a very confident, strident, determined air, so people assume that I am confident and competent. I strongly recommend that you arm yourself with a lot of good information (books, websites like this and Short Support) and moral support from people who care about you.  That will make a world of difference in how you handle the challenges of functioning around big, competitive men.  

Keep up the discussion here. The rest of us can be a support for you. 

Which field do you work in? I work in Accounting and my co workers praise me for my work, but give me a hard time for my height in social settings. 


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Re: What is life like in the working world for short men?
post #7


Many of the on-air anchors I've worked with are shorter than I am. It doesn't seem to have affected their careers in the least. When you're working at 18' off the ground, someone 6' tall still needs the same ladder I would.

I'm in television production with many years under my belt. My height has never been called out by anyone. The only time it's come up is when it's been relevant, as in when being small was a major plus. Small, tight areas or those that couldn't take the weight of an average guy were perfect for me. Ladders and platforms let me reach everything else. 

Although I'm usually the shortest male on the crew, I've never been slighted for my height. Performance, experience, and results are what matters to professionals. I get some kidding in my family about being short and light weight, but it's only good natured. 


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Re: What is life like in the working world for short men?
post #8

For bitesizedtiger:  I'm a college VP, English professor and librarian. My talents are all intellectual, and I too am praised for my work, since no one expects me to play basketball or lift heavy objects.  In my arenas, razzing someone about their size is pretty much unheard-of.  For instance, in the group of people I interact with on a daily basis: two of the other men are enormously overweight.  No one ever breathes a word about it.  So, by the same token no one even thinks of chiding me.  It just isn't done.  In the library field: most librarians are women.  They are kind, generous people, thoughtful, considerate, ethical.  They find me dashing and funny-- height is irrelevant.