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Recent Posts From aragorn
I knew I had stopped getting taller only in retrospect. I was never in height growth competition with anyone, so I didn't really notice when I stopped. I was always among the shorter kids. I knew I was shorter than many of my friends, but it seemed to me that height variation was about as important as eye color - little or not at all. I wasn't disappointed at all. I'm 5'7" now, and had topped out at 5'8" sometime in my late teens. I love being just the height I am. I dated girls in my teens, but that was before I came out. My height never seems to have been an issue as a gay man, and I'm happily married now. In other words, no big deal.
My mom was the tallest one in her family, which put her about 5'6". Sisters and brothers were all short. Of several children, I clearly reflected her side of the family with my height. But I was "perfectly proportioned" (according to her), so my height didn't seem to be an issue. My folks did try to put some weight on me, though, because I was (and am) pretty slim. My little brother, on the other hand, has fun towering next to me and calling me "big brother". It's a joke I can easily laugh at.
Different sizes have different advantages. I haven't had to fight since the school yard days, but I beat the bigger bully because I was small and flexible. Today I'd be tempted to shame them for picking on someone smaller, because talking your way out of a fight is always better. But if they come at me, they're going to get hurt. Learn a few defensive moves, and realize that you don't have to be large to do major hurt. Bruce Lee was 5'7".
As a gay man, it's never come up. My husband is much taller than I am and has 80 lbs on me. I'm very obviously much smaller than he is. Size has nothing to do with who is dominant in a relationship of equals. He's never said anything about our size differences, except that I'm a big boy in a different way, LOL.
The one place where it makes a difference is in restaurants. They always seem to give him the bill, even though I always pay it. The other is that we'll switch seats in the theater if a tall person is in front of me other than that, height is a non-issue in our relationship