How did you feel when you knew you stopped growing?

Short Squire
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How did you feel when you knew you stopped growing?
post #1

How did you know when you stopped growing and how did you feel about it? Any reality checks, disappointment or resentment? Did you care? Did it have a major impact on you at that point?

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Re: How did you feel when you knew you stopped growing?
post #2

As i recall, i stopped growing when i was around the age of 16.
The doctor told me, that i would be aroud the 170cm which never happened and i got a little upset about it. 

But honestely i didnt feel much about it untill i reached the age of 19-20.
I never thought that height would be such an important factor in life.

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Re: How did you feel when you knew you stopped growing?
post #3

I was depressed for a little while. I remember doing stretches, hanging from bars, looking up height growth pills. Now I am comfortable with my height but hate how society sees it.

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Re: How did you feel when you knew you stopped growing?
post #4

I knew I had stopped getting taller only in retrospect.  I was never in height growth competition with anyone, so I didn't really notice when I stopped.  I was always among the shorter kids.  I knew I was shorter than many of my friends, but it seemed to me that height variation was about as important as eye color - little or not at all.  I wasn't disappointed at all.  I'm 5'7" now, and had topped out at 5'8" sometime in my late teens.  I love being just the height I am.  I dated girls in my teens, but that was before I came out.  My height never seems to have been an issue as a gay man, and I'm happily married now.  In other words, no big deal.

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Re: How did you feel when you knew you stopped growing?
post #5

When i was in my teens, it dawned on me that all of my friends were suddenly morphing into real men, and that I would be stuck forever in the body of a kid.  I was miserably disappointed with what God had intended for my life.  To me, an entire adult life of being 5'4" was not worth living.  I have lived (59 yrs old now) a very productive life and most people that know me would be bewildered to find out it bothers me.  It still does, but other than this discussion, I never mention it to anyone anymore.  I'll never be comfortable with it, or enjoy it.  I just grit my teeth every day and work around it with God's grace.