Ever not able to defend yourself or someone because of your size?

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Ever not able to defend yourself or someone because of your size?
post #1

Like anyone say anything disrespectful to you or push you into a fight and you think to yourself that you couldn't win or know off the bat that you don't stand a chance? Or are there short men here who are confident that they can defend themselves and never worry about physical assault? 

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Re: Ever not able to defend yourself or someone because of your size?
post #2

Honestly, i am worried to death about being physical hurt. Which is why i tend to be emotionally distant from pretty much everything, it fixes everything, but also creates other problems.

Altho, i carry myself with confidence, answer back when people say something mean. You can always win an argument, or at least in your own mind you win it.

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Re: Ever not able to defend yourself or someone because of your size?
post #3


Originally posted by multinational

Honestly, i am worried to death about being physical hurt. Which is why i tend to be emotionally distant from pretty much everything, it fixes everything, but also creates other problems.

Altho, i carry myself with confidence, answer back when people say something mean. You can always win an argument, or at least in your own mind you win it.

Fake it till you make it I guess. I don't share that view, maybe because I'm athletic. I mean, let's keep it real. Even if I were 5'10, I'd probably be little match for a 6'5 guy with the body of a fullback.... but not every tall guy is a fullback's size. 8 times out of 10, I'm good. 

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Re: Ever not able to defend yourself or someone because of your size?
post #4

It's always a worry for me because striking with someone who has long range is dangerous.  I'm a mediocre at best jiu jitsu student (little over 2 years) and while I won't pretend I'm safe because of it.  Having a basic understanding of grappling is huge for short people.  As a firefighter I've had to hold drunk combative people down for safety. I would never dream of being considered a threat to anybody but at the very least I have a plan.  If all I can do is lay on someone and keep them from harming me and yell for help then that is what I will do.  I hope this helps you or anyone.  Peace and stay safe.

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Re: Ever not able to defend yourself or someone because of your size?
post #5

Different sizes have different advantages. I haven't had to fight since the school yard days, but I beat the bigger bully because I was small and flexible. Today I'd be tempted to shame them for picking on someone smaller, because talking your way out of a fight is always better. But if they come at me, they're going to get hurt. Learn a few defensive moves, and realize that you don't have to be large to do major hurt. Bruce Lee was 5'7".