Ever notice colleagues thinking taller guys are more knowledgable?

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Ever notice colleagues thinking taller guys are more knowledgable?
post #1

At work last week, we had this new system installed. I'm a major tech geek and everyone at work knows it. However, we had this new guy hired a few weeks ago. He is the tallest man in our division (about 6'3 or so). The rest of us men are below 6 feet. Every time women in our division or men from the outside come in with questions, it is automatically assumed that the new tall man is the knowledgable one, even though he visibly looks younger than us all.

Any of you experience anything similar?

Short Vassal
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Re: Ever notice colleagues thinking taller guys are more knowledgable?
post #2

Similar situations have happened here many times in our school. As our teachers are usually females (cougars) and in the first session of the class they usually fall in love with those tall guys and they think they are the most knowledgeable in the class as they really dominant. but later those bitches will find out who is the most talented in the class.

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Re: Ever notice colleagues thinking taller guys are more knowledgable?
post #3


Originally posted by marshal Similar situations have happened here many times in our school. As our teachers are usually females (cougars) and in the first session of the class they usually fall in love with those tall guys and they think they are the most knowledgeable in the class as they really dominant. but later those bitches will find out who is the most talented in the class.

Is this in University? Can you give examples of scenarios where this happened?

Short Vassal
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Re: Ever notice colleagues thinking taller guys are more knowledgable?
post #4


Originally posted by joshbaskins


Originally posted by marshal Similar situations have happened here many times in our school. As our teachers are usually females (cougars) and in the first session of the class they usually fall in love with those tall guys and they think they are the most knowledgeable in the class as they really dominant. but later those bitches will find out who is the most talented in the class.

Is this in University? Can you give examples of scenarios where this happened?

It's called university as I read the sign whenever I go there.frown

Let me tell you about one of those ludicrous moments in the class. It was the first session and the teacher entered the class like always with a delay of one hour or more. (as I remember and it's not important). Anyway, we started to discuss about facts like distances between earth and moon and stuffs like that. (funny) She asked about the distance between London and Tehran and students guessed about it. (and questions like that. still funny)  Students werent allowed to check online for solutions. (LOL) the thing is that the pushy bitchy teacher was accepting the answers from that tall douche. (or maybe Im wrong) No matter what, later we search for online solutions. the most funniest thing is that she didn't event accept the Google searching. Such a cocky bitch. laugh

Who cares. I just have learned it that in order to get score i have to accept whatever the teachers say.