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Short Cadet
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New member
post #1


I think I found this site a few years ago. Read some threads and never joined but I did recently.

Regarding (short) height, I think it is good to remember the advantages. For example, easier to brush teeth!

For me, at 5'4", that height comes in handy at least 1-2 times per week...

1. I regularly bicycle with a reproduction Schwinn Stingray. Those who remember know that they are quite low to the ground. 20-inch tires. Easy for anyone to ride those if they are under about 5'9".

2. I own a '76 Cadillac limousine. Being a limousine with a partition window, the front seat does not go back as far as those on the other Cadillac models from that year. Anyone over about 5'10" would feel cramped driving it. Plenty of room in the front for me! I drive this car about once every two weeks.

Anyway, I just wanted to post in the new member forum. 




Short Vassal
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Re: New member
post #2

Welcome aboard John! Your car story made me think about my Acura Integra sports car. Every time my taller friends would get in the back seat, they'd complain about how cramped it felt when I always thought everything was "just right" smile

My Dahon foldable bike is the same. My tall co worker makes fun of me and calls my bike a short people bike which is very true. It's hard for anyone over 5'10 to ride these bikes and feel comfortable. 

Short Cadet
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Re: New member
post #3

Thanks for the welcome, Fashion.

What said reminds me of something else. A friend bought a new Camaro some years ago (a 2010 model). Two-door, of course, and very little room in the rear compartment. We went for a ride with another friend, two in the front seat and me in the back. It took some effort to climb out of the back seat and exit the car, even for me. I can only imagine the trouble a 6-footer would have!



Short Squire
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Re: New member
post #4

I am SO glad you can have a positive outlook on it.  I wish I could, but honestly I don't. 

Short Cadet
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Re: New member
post #5

Thanks, gymshorts. We are the same height so we can relate. I sometimes see very short people (about 4'8") at a market or a mall and suddenly I feel really tall! I remember an employee at a Walgreens store who probably would be classified as a midget; I would estimate his height at about 4'5". I imagine he would really have trouble reaching high shelves!

My grandmother once said to my mom (4'11 and 3/4") that health is more important then height. This was demonstrated to me recently when a friend's husband was diagnosed with bile duct cancer and only survived for one month. His wife said he was 6' in height. I had seen him in person and he looked more like 5'11". Anyway, I think he would have gladly changed his height to something like 5'8" and be healthy rather than endure cancer.