Member Profiles: Babo97
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- Babo97
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Recent Posts From Babo97
If he's acting like that at that age, he probably has problems or he's just a plain *bleep* in which case, he's going to have a bad life.
Just know that you don't need to be 6 ft 200lbs to be respected. Like the guy above said, surround yourself with mature people, people who are respected, you won't be an outsider and that guy will think twice before deciding to pick on you. No one wants to look like a prick in front of everyone, especially in front of girls, so if you have good friends who have influence and will stand up for you, he will back off.
I would like someone who looks after themself but I don't expect them to work out and eat super healthy etc
I am slightly vain when it comes to my own appearance but I just like normal women who i get along with
as a grown man i wouldn't do it
but as a teenager ut was just part of having fun/going wild/raving
but i know what you mean if i was forcefully picked up by some guy while shouting put me down that would be pretty embarassing and i wouldn't like it/allow it!