Is a woman's weight a dealbreaker for you?

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Is a woman's weight a dealbreaker for you?
post #1

I just watched a video from simple pickup on youtube where a thin woman puts on a fat suit to see how her dates would react. Take a look at how the dates quickly turn sour. Is weight a dealbreaker for you?


Last Edited By joshbaskins (2014-10-04 17:01:24)

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Re: Is a woman's weight a dealbreaker for you?
post #2

I have to say it is. I don't date fat women. There's no attraction to me. I don't feel horrible about it. Obesity is a choice, height is not. There are women who will not find me attractive because I am just 5'7, that's their choice.

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Re: Is a woman's weight a dealbreaker for you?
post #3

Nor for me as I never give any importance to such a things which doesn't matter for me as if she is good with heart and mind then I don't bother about look and weight.

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Re: Is a woman's weight a dealbreaker for you?
post #4

I think the weight shouldn't matter because that is only a number. How a woman carries herself and cares for herself should be most important. I am not "fat" but I do jiggle. My fiance' loves that I am not a stick. He said he would rather me be 140 pounds than 100 pounds. I have been as low as 110 and he said that I was too thin. Keep in mind I am only 5' so I am in a size 10.

I guess everyone is different with what they want.

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Re: Is a woman's weight a dealbreaker for you?
post #5

That video is bull. She posed as a very fit woman and showed up as an obese one. I want them to do this realistically. Have a woman who is thin show up 20 pounds heavier.

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Re: Is a woman's weight a dealbreaker for you?
post #6

The older you get, the more you realize a deep connection and friendship means more than weight or looks. I prefer a pretty face over a perfect body. I would rather date a 200 pound gal who had a drop dead stunning face, then some 115 pound woman who looked like a dude in the face.

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Re: Is a woman's weight a dealbreaker for you?
post #7

It sure is. Weight definitely matters to me. I may be short, but physical fitness means a lot to me, so I'd like to be with one that shares a similar lifestyle. If people can be bias to those who are short for no other reason than their own, then it should be perfectly fine to be bias against something that is a lifestyle choice.

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Re: Is a woman's weight a dealbreaker for you?
post #8

Personally, I would take healthy over weight. She can be a healthy size 14, or a healthy size 4, so long as she is healthy, that means the most to me. I don't want someone who starves themselves, over works out, or picks at food. I also don't want someone who over eats, eats a lot of junk, and cant get up a flight of stares without being out of breath.

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Re: Is a woman's weight a dealbreaker for you?
post #9

I would like someone who looks after themself but I don't expect them to work out and eat super healthy etc

I am slightly vain when it comes to my own appearance but I just like normal women who i get along with

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Re: Is a woman's weight a dealbreaker for you?
post #10

Nothing wrong with keeping up your appearance @Babo