Member Profiles: bigface
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- bigface
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Recent Posts From bigface
Hi everyone, I've been muscular (when younger) and skinny (now), and I noticed a big difference in how people treat me. When I lifted weights a lot I was always being challenged in some way by taller guys. From arm wrestling, to fights, to just getting grabby. It was like they couldn't handle someone shorter being stronger than them, and they had something to prove. This was especially true if they had been drinking. Now that I am skinnier I don't have this problem because they know they are probably stronger than me. I wanted to start lifting weights again, but I don't want to deal with the insecurities of some taller guys especially now that I am out of school and working. Anyone else deal with a similar problem? How did you handle it? I like the look of a muscular physique and women seemed to like it too.