Member Profiles: buckwheat
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- buckwheat
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Recent Posts From buckwheat
You have to chill out. In that case, I can blame how my parents "robbed" me of my height but not providing me with an environment where I could grow to what I was meant to be. Others can also claim they were "robbed" due to peer influence in taking growth-stunting drugs or substances. Others can claim they were "robbed" from abuse and malnutrition.
I'm a 5'4-5'5 dude and even now I still have resentment for why I was born from a mother who is 4'11 and a 5'6 dad. Did I ask to be born from short parents? In that sense, I can claim God or fate "robbed" me of having normal parents. You see, the blame game is an endless cycle and everyone on this forum has to deal with their own demons too. Yes, everyone here would have to cope with that demon and do the best they can do in life.
If you're worried about women not falling infatuated over you, well tough luck most of us feel the same and it's not that bad. There's so much to do in other aspects of life that getting so obsessed with having sex for you, seems to be a mental problem. There's also a life experience that ANYONE can see everyday. An example in the classroom, there's this really dumb dude but he's charismatic so he gets girls. The nerdy dude on the other hand gets smart from knowing his strength lies in his grades and excels in college, etc. and lands a high paying job, which then girls then fall for him. Everyone. has. flaws.
You're thinking very primitive that you don't want to be in love with a girl, but you just want to be the alpha cave man that has sex with all the girls, and no one realistically does that. No one in the world is some perfect human being. If you're mad that you aren't the perfect sex magnet then I'm afraid you're delusional.
Accept your height as a gift from whatever religion or belief in life you have as a way to be humble and have a rounded personality. I stopped worrying about my height that much and yes I am still insecure and wish to be taller and I thought my height was "robbed" from having one of the world's shortest mothers, but don't obsess. None of us are going to get anywhere with it. If you're friends and family taunt you for your height, surprise them by being totally chill about it, which will make you the "cool guy". Even at parties and someone says you're short just bring up your medical condition and say something like "Oh, God just nerfed me because I was too OP for the world" (I'm 20 so yes I still do use childish words like these unironically. Sue me).
Work on other aspects in life, and yes discrimination will definitely never leave as we live, ultimately it just comes from other people making themselves feel better or, if you're succeeding, one of their own coping mechanisms to bring you down. I'm a dental student right now and a lot of my taller friends and stuff do pick on me for height since I HAVE NOTHING ELSE TO GET PICKED ON FOR (maybe my grades now lol - but that's not because of height). I worked hard on my personality so I can talk to literally anyone, I work out enough to not look ugly, I take care of my acne, I am pretty charming just because of my personality (I'm not the ugliest dude, but I'm around a 5-6 out of 10 in appearance) and no one is afraid or disgusted to talk to me.
Well anyways hope you don't rant after this again.