I was not meant to be short, doctors stole my height.

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I was not meant to be short, doctors stole my height.
post #1

Ok, long story short, I always had nasal obstruction, because my septum was deviated. My mother had the same problem, and would always use some nasal drops containing a corticosteroid(dexamethasone).

I started using too, when I was about 9 years old, then I went to a doctor, to confirm that it was safe, and the doctor told my father, that I could use the medication.


When I was 11 years old, my growth became slow, and I developed something called Cushing's Syndrome, which is caused by corticosteroid overuse. The long usage of corticosteroid stunted my growth for three years, it's a common effect.

I'm 5'5(165cm) and probably would be 5'10 without taking the medication. Also a study confirmed that genital development is also affected. I have a 5.5 - 6 inches penis when very aroused, and very thin, about 4.5 inches in girth. I think about this all the time, and I am dreaming of it every single night, dreaming about being rejected by a girl, because of my height and my thin penis. The worst thing is that I'm sure that my penis would be bigger and I would be taller, since even my doctor confirmed that I am right. Even short girls have height requirements.


A girl might not find me as attractive as she would, if I had a larger penis and was taller. This medication fucked my life. I don't want to whine, but this has been deeply affecting my life. And i'm also very shy, so these two more complexes are making my head explode. I need help.


I blame my mother for giving me that in the first place, because I was not meant to have to go through this. I was not meant to be naturally short and probaly would have a bigger penis. I read in an article about Lupus, that every single guy who took prednisone during puberty, had a smaller penis than healthy patients.


I keep thinking that every time that I will have sex, the girl is not looking at me, she is looking at a chemical induced result.

Please, I really need help. I have this haunting me since 2016, when I found out about the side effects.

If you search "iatrogenic cushing's syndrome nasal drops" several cases like mine will pop up.

What should I do? Just accept and live my life? Jesus, I was meant to be taller, stronger, since corticosteroids also affect bone development. What should I do? I think about this 24/7.


I think that maybe I would have a girthy penis, that would stimulate girls visually a lot, and keep comparing myself with other guys, thinking that I will be cheated on because of my thin penis. The worst thing is, THIS WAS CAUSED BY A *bleep* MEDICATION, JESUS. I KEEP THINKING THAT I WILL FOREVER BE MISSING OUT ON A LOT OF EXPERIENCES THAT I WOULD HAVE WITH A BIGGER PENIS, THAT I WOULD PROBABLY HAVE. AND TO MAKE IT EVEN WORSE, SOME FAMILY FRIENDS TOLD MY PARENTS WHEN I WAS A BABY THAT I HAD A BIG PENIS FOR A INFANT. *bleep*, MAYBE I WOULD HAVE A BIG PENIS. I AM RAGING. 


Knowing everything short guys have to put up with, how the hell should I feel?

Last Edited By brazilianlad (2020-10-03 15:28:19)

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Re: I was not meant to be short, doctors stole my height.
post #2


Originally posted by brazilianlad

Ok, long story short, I always had nasal obstruction, because my septum was deviated. My mother had the same problem, and would always use some nasal drops containing a corticosteroid(dexamethasone).

I started using too, when I was about 9 years old, then I went to a doctor, to confirm that it was safe, and the doctor told my father, that I could use the medication.


When I was 11 years old, my growth became slow, and I developed something called Cushing's Syndrome, which is caused by corticosteroid overuse. The long usage of corticosteroid stunted my growth for three years, it's a common effect.

I'm 5'5(165cm) and probably would be 5'10 without taking the medication. Also a study confirmed that genital development is also affected. I have a 5.5 - 6 inches penis when very aroused, and very thin, about 4.5 inches in girth. I think about this all the time, and I am dreaming of it every single night, dreaming about being rejected by a girl, because of my height and my thin penis. The worst thing is that I'm sure that my penis would be bigger and I would be taller, since even my doctor confirmed that I am right. Even short girls have height requirements.


A girl might not find me as attractive as she would, if I had a larger penis and was taller. This medication fucked my life. I don't want to whine, but this has been deeply affecting my life. And i'm also very shy, so these two more complexes are making my head explode. I need help.


I blame my mother for giving me that in the first place, because I was not meant to have to go through this. I was not meant to be naturally short and probaly would have a bigger penis. I read in an article about Lupus, that every single guy who took prednisone during puberty, had a smaller penis than healthy patients.


I keep thinking that every time that I will have sex, the girl is not looking at me, she is looking at a chemical induced result.

Please, I really need help. I have this haunting me since 2016, when I found out about the side effects.

If you search "iatrogenic cushing's syndrome nasal drops" several cases like mine will pop up.

What should I do? Just accept and live my life? Jesus, I was meant to be taller, stronger, since corticosteroids also affect bone development. What should I do? I think about this 24/7.


I think that maybe I would have a girthy penis, that would stimulate girls visually a lot, and keep comparing myself with other guys, thinking that I will be cheated on because of my thin penis. The worst thing is, THIS WAS CAUSED BY A *bleep* MEDICATION, JESUS. I KEEP THINKING THAT I WILL FOREVER BE MISSING OUT ON A LOT OF EXPERIENCES THAT I WOULD HAVE WITH A BIGGER PENIS, THAT I WOULD PROBABLY HAVE. AND TO MAKE IT EVEN WORSE, SOME FAMILY FRIENDS TOLD MY PARENTS WHEN I WAS A BABY THAT I HAD A BIG PENIS FOR A INFANT. *bleep*, MAYBE I WOULD HAVE A BIG PENIS. I AM RAGING. 


Knowing everything short guys have to put up with, how the hell should I feel?

Fear not. 5'5 is not the end of the line. Many, many, many men are 5'5. Go to the "Gallery" section of this site and filter by 5'5, you'll see a ton of famous people who are 5'5. Not just entertainers, but also successful businessmen, engineers and inventors. You're in good company. 

Before you say, "wait, they are celebrities". No. The majority were not born that way. You are a man. Men have to make something of themselves. Some are lucky and win the genetic lottery. Even if you did win the genetic lottery, you would still have to work to make something of yourself. The more you do this, the more your value increases. You must get this into your head.

The world does not owe you, myself or anyone here understanding.

Sure we will listen to your story and help coach you to success, but this story cannot be your crutch, because the world will not care.

Average penis size regardless of height is 5.16 inches. You say you're 5.5-6". Guess what, you're above average.

The hardest pill to swallow is that whatever happened in your childhood is over and done with. Weeping on this is a complete waste of time and unproductive because... none of us can do anything about what happened during our childhoods, height-related or not.

There will be some naysayers here, but please google all of the divorces of celebrity couples this year. Then google some divorce and dating statistics. The majority of these men who were on the receiving end of divorce were well over six feet and they are being raked over the coals financially.

The good thing about being a man is that you can build yourself and increase your value even if you were born from diddly squat.

It will take a while for this to sink in, but sir, you are okay.

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Re: I was not meant to be short, doctors stole my height.
post #3

Thanks for the reply man, but knowing everything short guys hear, often, I feel angry, because I was not meant to go through this. If I was naturally short, I wouldn't care, but I fear I will have sex with less women, be respected less and also this drug made me skinny fat. I'm not heavy but I have a lot of fat on me, corticosteroids do that. How do I accept this? I even read that corticosteroids affect brain memory and focus. I was even thinking that I would be more intelligent and have more money, had I not taken the medication. What do you think of that? Sorry about the bad english, it's not my first language.

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Re: I was not meant to be short, doctors stole my height.
post #4


Originally posted by brazilianlad

If I was naturally short, I wouldn't care

Yes you absolutely would, and this is okay. We have people on this forum whose parents are 5'9 (father), 5'2 (mother) and they complain that they are 5'6. Endocrinologists would be the first to tell you that a 5'5 or 5'6 boy or girl would not only be completely normal, but expected. It is okay to feel the way you feel, but of course, you don't actually know that your height is the result of that medication. You are speculating. As an example, there are plenty of people who ate poorly during their childhood, yet still grew to be very tall. There are people who take medication for years that have no side effects, yet they don't develop any side effects. Genetics are a crapshoot. 

Originally posted by brazilianlad

I fear I will have sex with less women, be respected less 

A soft yes to both fears, but it has to be put into context. There are imbeciles who will respect you less no matter what. They could respect you less for being a certain skin color (plenty of those), respect you for having less money (plenty of those), or respect you less for being male (plenty of those). Disrespect against short guys is one of those unprotected things, however you can change who you interact with and what you're wiling to tolerate. As a man, you can also build yourself. This is a key point. If you went to say Law School, graduated and became a respected lawyer who operated his own law firm, then people will respect your expertise, authority and experience. Problem solved. Again, there will be idiots who do not respect you because of your size, but there are people who would feel that way about certain races in their fields, etc. Put it in context. 

As for sex. There are 7.8 Billion people in the world in 2020. By that stat, there are 3.8 billion women. Lets take a 1/3 of that away for people who aren't adults. So that leaves 2.6 billion adult women worldwide. Let's be harsh and imagine that 1 out of 10 women would date a guy who is short (it's higher than that, but let's use the harsh number to drive this point). By this imagined measure, then if 9 out 10 women would only date tall men, this would still leave 260 million women who would date short men.

Is 260 million women still too few women for you? There are plenty of 5'5 men who score regularly. Ignore the men here who complain and look for those that DO. Do you work out in your gym? I am not saying that these men can get any woman, but neither can a man who is 6 feet. There are women who will still say no. 

Originally posted by brazilianlad

I'm not heavy but I have a lot of fat on me, corticosteroids do that. How do I accept this? I even read that corticosteroids affect brain memory and focus. 

Easy fix. Hit the gym and have discipline. I don't know what prices are like in Brazil, but here in New York City, one can go to Planet Fitness for as little as $15 a month. That works out to "R85$" in your money. 

You will be okay.

Because people can be jerks, you will need to learn how to develop a thick skin and that will take time, but this is something all men have to learn whether they are 5 feet, 6 feet or 7 feet.

Complaining is considered a feminine trait, which is why you have so many women who run around saying that men act like "bitches". You will get a soft pass here, but remember in the real world, no one owes, you, myself or any person understanding. 

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Re: I was not meant to be short, doctors stole my height.
post #5


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Re: I was not meant to be short, doctors stole my height.
post #6


Originally posted by brazilianlad


There is nothing wrong with your height.

Millions of men around the world are 5'5. 

Think about this. There is nothing you can do about your childhood in the present day.

You also can't get back the time you waste worrying about or stressing over why you're 5'5. 

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Re: I was not meant to be short, doctors stole my height.
post #7

Well, I know there will be some limitations, but you are way too extreme. In fact, I have at least 3 close small dick, short, poor friends, with hot girlfriends. What is your excuse? Lol

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Re: I was not meant to be short, doctors stole my height.
post #8

I just wanted to be desired by every woman...

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Re: I was not meant to be short, doctors stole my height.
post #9


Originally posted by brazilianlad I just wanted to be desired by every woman...

Well, not at 5'5", buddy.

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Re: I was not meant to be short, doctors stole my height.
post #10


Originally posted by brazilianlad I just wanted to be desired by every woman...

Remember that this is not realistic. Also remember that if you were 6'2, you still wouldn't be desired by everyone. That should make you feel more comfortable. As short men, we have to grow a thick skin and only be concerned about people who respect us, even if it is a smaller pool of people.

Remember, men getting rejected, no matter the height, is a fact of life.

You will be just fine my friend.