I was not meant to be short, doctors stole my height.

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Re: I was not meant to be short, doctors stole my height.
post #21

I'm sorry If I came up as a tool, this is a very stressfull subject to me, I don't consider LL surgery, that's too extreme, I just wanted to feel comfortable in my own skin. It's like the women that I will meet in my life will never be looking at the real me, but at a chemical result.

Do you guys think I am overreacting? How would you feel If you found out that your short stature was induced by a medication? (now that I explained that my height is, indeed, the result of a drug).

Please, I need help dealing with the fact that this is not my real body, but induced by a medication, I even have all the medical tests, from when I was 13, saying "the patient has short stature, induced by the use of corticosteroids".

I'm sorry If I sounded like a dick, It wasn't my intention, I don't want every woman in the world, but I want to feel comfortable in my own skin. For example, going in blind dates would be impossible, since the woman might be taller than me, I think you guys understand me now. Sorry again, and please, I truly need your help.

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Re: I was not meant to be short, doctors stole my height.
post #22


Originally posted by brazilianlad I'm sorry If I came up as a tool, this is a very stressfull subject to me, I don't consider LL surgery, that's too extreme, I just wanted to feel comfortable in my own skin. It's like the women that I will meet in my life will never be looking at the real me, but at a chemical result. Do you guys think I am overreacting? How would you feel If you found out that your short stature was induced by a medication? (now that I explained that my height is, indeed, the result of a drug). Please, I need help dealing with the fact that this is not my real body, but induced by a medication, I even have all the medical tests, from when I was 13, saying "the patient has short stature, induced by the use of corticosteroids". I'm sorry If I sounded like a dick, It wasn't my intention, I don't want every woman in the world, but I want to feel comfortable in my own skin. For example, going in blind dates would be impossible, since the woman might be taller than me, I think you guys understand me now. Sorry again, and please, I truly need your help.

The important thing to remember is that the past cannot be changed. For whatever reason a person is short, the fact is just that they are short. A woman who isn't interested in a short guy is not going to change her mind because of why you're short. Think, if you aren't into dating single mothers or women who aren't attractive, do you care why they have kids or why they aren't attractive? Once you grapple with this, you will be able to move past that "feeling".


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Re: I was not meant to be short, doctors stole my height.
post #23

Try to get past blaming your mom. 

I have had that feeling too sometimes, that I was not meant to go through the pain of being a short man. Also, when my mom was pregnant with me the prevailing medical advice at the time was to drink a glass of wine a day. So she did. I don't have fetal alcohol syndrome or anything like that, but later, when I became a doctor, I did find some research that says women who drank modestly while pregnant tend to have children with a shorter final height. And my brothers are 5'7" and 5'10" while I am the runt at 5'4". 

So, blame the doctors, blame my mom - whatever, I can't change it. My mom is an incredible person who always put her family first and put me through college, and told me I could do anything I put my mind to. Am I going to forget about that because she did what she was told while pregnant? No. 

Just keep swimming, Nemo.

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Re: I was not meant to be short, doctors stole my height.
post #24

Brazilianlad, being comfortable in your own skin is the goal of every person around, tall or short...and any other category you can imagine.  I will tell you this, as someone who HAS done cosmetic limb lengthening done.  Here's a truth I had to learn after paying a lot of money and struggling to recover physically nearly 2 years later... and it's this...nobody really cares how tall you are.  I went from 5'5" to 5'8".  The person who cares the most and to whom it really mattered, was me.  Think women come flocking to me just because I was a few inches taller?  No way.  They don't care.  They didn't care about my height then or now.  So what I am trying to convey is, our worst enemy is really ourselves and our own self-talk.  We are our own worst enemies sometimes and we are judging ourselves more than anyone else.  Sure, shorter guys get judged and have to work harder, but I'm telling you, just go out and be positive and you'll be amazed and some of the changes you will find.  

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Re: I was not meant to be short, doctors stole my height.
post #25

Thank you very much for all the replies. I understood everything you guys said, I'll just have to get past the feeling, when I met a girl, if she would feel more attracted to me and my penis, If I hadn't taken the medication. That's basically what bothers me a lot.

The feeling of how different my life would be, with no induced changes in my body, by a medication.

Thanks everyone.

Sorry again if I was repetitive.