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Recent Posts From brazilianlad
Actually, these guys are of similar height. Roger Huerta is listed as 5'9. The guy he knocks out in the video is listed as 5'11. I am talking about situations like that.
Especially, if the guy is taller and heavier. Not lanky guys like those on the video I posted, but still, there is clearly a reach advantage for the taller guy, which I think is the reason the damage wasn't worse.
Hi everyone. Like I said on my previous thread, I am short, 5'5, due to a few years of corticosteroid overuse.
Something that keeps bugging me, is the fact that everyone assumes that a taller man will always beat the short one.
Especially since I was not meant to be short, and I still haven't made peace with it, I often see myself wondering how much does height matter in a fight. My reach is very short, now I know that this was all caused by corticosteroids. I have a 5'4 inches wingspan. Or 162 cm.
The thing that haunts me the most, is imagining getting beat up by a taller guy, in front of a girlfriend or significant other of mine.
Hence why so many women say height makes them feel safe.
I started working out recently and intend to take martial arts classes very seriously.
I am very interested in boxing, muay thai and jiu-jitsu.
Do you guys have any real example, like something you have seen, about a short guy easily beating up a much taller and heavier guy.
In my case, I think my maximum weight, being muscular and athletic, will be about 175 lbs - 79 kg.
I still wish my physical development wasn't stolen from me, I blame my stupid mother to this day, it would be awesome being 5'10 - 6'0 and over and bulky, like Fedor Emelianenko, Mark Hunt etc, but I can't change the past.
What do you think about all of this?
Thank you and sorry for any grammar mistakes.
Thank you very much for all the replies. I understood everything you guys said, I'll just have to get past the feeling, when I met a girl, if she would feel more attracted to me and my penis, If I hadn't taken the medication. That's basically what bothers me a lot.
The feeling of how different my life would be, with no induced changes in my body, by a medication.
Thanks everyone.
Sorry again if I was repetitive.
I'm sorry If I came up as a tool, this is a very stressfull subject to me, I don't consider LL surgery, that's too extreme, I just wanted to feel comfortable in my own skin. It's like the women that I will meet in my life will never be looking at the real me, but at a chemical result.
Do you guys think I am overreacting? How would you feel If you found out that your short stature was induced by a medication? (now that I explained that my height is, indeed, the result of a drug).
Please, I need help dealing with the fact that this is not my real body, but induced by a medication, I even have all the medical tests, from when I was 13, saying "the patient has short stature, induced by the use of corticosteroids".
I'm sorry If I sounded like a dick, It wasn't my intention, I don't want every woman in the world, but I want to feel comfortable in my own skin. For example, going in blind dates would be impossible, since the woman might be taller than me, I think you guys understand me now. Sorry again, and please, I truly need your help.