Ok, long story short, I always had nasal obstruction, because my septum was deviated. My mother had the same problem, and would always use some nasal drops containing a corticosteroid(dexamethasone).
I started using too, when I was about 9 years old, then I went to a doctor, to confirm that it was safe, and the doctor told my father, that I could use the medication.
When I was 11 years old, my growth became slow, and I developed something called Cushing's Syndrome, which is caused by corticosteroid overuse. The long usage of corticosteroid stunted my growth for three years, it's a common effect.
I'm 5'5(165cm) and probably would be 5'10 without taking the medication. Also a study confirmed that genital development is also affected. I have a 5.5 - 6 inches penis when very aroused, and very thin, about 4.5 inches in girth. I think about this all the time, and I am dreaming of it every single night, dreaming about being rejected by a girl, because of my height and my thin penis. The worst thing is that I'm sure that my penis would be bigger and I would be taller, since even my doctor confirmed that I am right. Even short girls have height requirements.
A girl might not find me as attractive as she would, if I had a larger penis and was taller. This medication fucked my life. I don't want to whine, but this has been deeply affecting my life. And i'm also very shy, so these two more complexes are making my head explode. I need help.
I blame my mother for giving me that in the first place, because I was not meant to have to go through this. I was not meant to be naturally short and probaly would have a bigger penis. I read in an article about Lupus, that every single guy who took prednisone during puberty, had a smaller penis than healthy patients.
I keep thinking that every time that I will have sex, the girl is not looking at me, she is looking at a chemical induced result.
Please, I really need help. I have this haunting me since 2016, when I found out about the side effects.
If you search "iatrogenic cushing's syndrome nasal drops" several cases like mine will pop up.
What should I do? Just accept and live my life? Jesus, I was meant to be taller, stronger, since corticosteroids also affect bone development. What should I do? I think about this 24/7.
I think that maybe I would have a girthy penis, that would stimulate girls visually a lot, and keep comparing myself with other guys, thinking that I will be cheated on because of my thin penis. The worst thing is, THIS WAS CAUSED BY A *bleep* MEDICATION, JESUS. I KEEP THINKING THAT I WILL FOREVER BE MISSING OUT ON A LOT OF EXPERIENCES THAT I WOULD HAVE WITH A BIGGER PENIS, THAT I WOULD PROBABLY HAVE. AND TO MAKE IT EVEN WORSE, SOME FAMILY FRIENDS TOLD MY PARENTS WHEN I WAS A BABY THAT I HAD A BIG PENIS FOR A INFANT. *bleep*, MAYBE I WOULD HAVE A BIG PENIS. I AM RAGING.
Knowing everything short guys have to put up with, how the hell should I feel?