She married a guy her height and it bothered her for years

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She married a guy her height and it bothered her for years
post #1

She Married A Guy Her Height And It Bothered Her For Years | Height And Marriage | Short Men | Short Guys | Short Kingz

Let's break this down shall we. A couple of observations and questions.

• She dated him presumably for some time and then married him

• His height must have bothered her before. Why did she marry him?

• Consider what her options were like prior to meeting him. 

• Was she not as attractive as she wished she could be and settled for him because her knight in shining armor wasn't coming? 

• She says that it no longer bothers her after 10 years. Sounds like she made peace with herself because she remembers the dating market

• She makes a comment about her attitude if he were shorter. Guess what, that means that height still bothers her.

As @RhettPaul would say, go figure...

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Re: She married a guy her height and it bothered her for years
post #2

Go figure indeed @OverTheEdge 

There is no way I'd believe that she is unbothered after all of this time after reading that. 😂

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Re: She married a guy her height and it bothered her for years
post #3

I know a few women in this exact situation as we speak in my area. Friends of friends. This is their equivalent of "cheaper to keep her".

They are set in their ways and personal habits and know what's waiting out there for them if they exit.

This is no an indictment on the man because even she says that he's a great guy.

She doesn't mention her age and we don't know what she looks like (i.e. her body type), but we can take an educated guess.

But inside, she's not happy for sure even though she claims she is.