Member Profiles: rogerdat22
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- rogerdat22
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Recent Posts From rogerdat22
I believe that someday, there will be some kind of "magic pill" or operation that will get people to be taller after puberty other than leg legthening. The guy who operates this website "Natural Height Growth" has a large following even though it doesn't look like it by the comments (at least he claims he does).
He's been writing articles for years, maybe even a decade or more. But today, in a blog post he said that he has written the same articles a thousand different ways and that he has to call himself out on his own bullshit. Here is what he said.
"I think for a long time, I have been just going in circles, doing a dance of mental masturbation trying to say words which really doesn’t do much good. How many times can I write the words “Chondrocyte” or “Epiphyseal Cartilage” and still make the regular reader and visitor still interested and engaged in what I am saying?
I need to call myself out on my own bullshit, on the cognitive biases that have been making me procrastinate and not taking more action. I will say a hidden idea which so many internet bloggers don’t want to admit"
I appreciate all of the work that he his done and I think he visits this website. Do you think all of this work is legit or is the whole HI community full of themselves?